Georgia Cattlemen’s Convention a Success

Will Jordan General

The Georgia Cattlemen’s Association Convention will wrap up in Columbus, Ga. on Friday, March 15. Throughout the convention attendees had the opportunity network with fellow producers, gather information about best practices for their operation and enjoy exceptional activities. As Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Association members participated in various contests, adult members learned in the Forage Conference. A 20,000 square foot trade …

The Beef Checkoff and Contracting Partners

Will Jordan General

By Will Jordan Funding beef promotion, the Beef Checkoff is a vital part of ensuring beef is the choice of consumers. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association CEO, Colin Woodall, explains the relationship between the Checkoff and its contracting partners.

Promoting Georgia Beef for the Holidays

Dan Georgia, Georgia Beef Board (GBB)

With the holiday period drawing closer, the Beef Checkoff is busy promoting a variety of beef dishes for your festive meals. Taylor Evans, director of public relations for the Georgia Beef Board (GBB), says they have a lot of great recipe ideas on their website. Contact the GBB office in Macon to learn more about Beef Checkoff promotions in Georgia.

BQA Training Event Held in Madison County

Dan Beef, Cattle, Florida

The Beef Checkoff in Florida continues to promote Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) across the state. And two weeks ago, a big event was held in Madison County to work with producers there in becoming BQA certified. Josh Churchwell with the Madison County Cattlemen told us it was a hands on type training. The BQA training event, put together by the Madison County …