Citrus Industry Seeks to Maintain Funding, Eyes Research

Dan Citrus, Economy, Orange Juice, Research

Despite a predicted drop in citrus production across Florida, orange juice sales are tracking up. And according to the News Service of Florida, the industry wants lawmakers to maintain current amounts of state marketing and research funding next fiscal year. Meanwhile, efforts to combat citrus greening disease could soon lead to a new University of Florida-backed variety of citrus on …

OJ May Fight Inflammation, Oxidative Stress

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice, Research

A new study suggests 100% orange juice (OJ) has the potential to help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in adults, paving the way for further research on the topic. Though limited in scope, the study indicates drinking 100% OJ significantly reduces interleukin 6, a well-established marker of inflammation, in both healthy and high-risk adults. Two additional inflammatory and oxidative stress markers were …

Panel Discusses OJ and Health Research

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice, Research

The Florida Citrus Commission’s (FCC) Scientific Research Advisory Council (SRAC) on Oct. 13 discussed recent studies and projects addressing the linkage between orange juice (OJ) and health. The FCC governs the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), which spends much effort promoting the health benefits of OJ. PUBLISHED STUDIES Rosa Walsh, director of scientific research at the FDOC, shared three recently published studies. …

Immunity Still a Consumer Priority

Dan Citrus, Coronavirus, Orange Juice

Consumers are continuing to seek out foods and beverages that provide immune support during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Jackie Hopkins with Edible told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) at its Sept. 22 meeting. That search for immunity is a benefit to the orange juice (OJ) industry, since numerous reports indicate consumers link OJ to immunity. Edible is a marketing agency …

Vilsack and Tai to Meet with USDA Ag Policy Committee

Dan Beef, Cattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy, Equine, Field Crops, Fruits, Grapefruit, Hemp, Lemons, Livestock, Marketing, Orange Juice, Peanuts, Pork, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep-Goats, Soybeans, Specialty Crops, Trade, Tree Nuts, Vegetables, Wheat

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai will meet with the Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee Friday. Topics include current and new trade deals, trade agreement implementation and concerns within the agreements. The committee, managed by the Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Trade Representative’s office, offers advice on U.S. trade policy. The committee consists of six technical …

Citrus Juice Proven to Aid Immune System

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice, Research

A new research review, published in Frontiers in Immunology, has found that a glass of citrus juice contains key nutrients and bioactive substances that help human immune systems work efficiently. Scientists examined evidence from nearly 200 different studies and reports. They concluded that vitamin C, folate and polyphenol compounds in citrus juice can impact immune health, fight inflammation and improve …

OJ Consumption Aids Children’s Health

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice

Moderate consumption of 100% orange juice (OJ) should be encouraged in children due to its multiple health benefits and lack of negative impacts on body weight, numerous studies indicate. The studies have revealed that children who regularly drink 100% orange juice have higher intakes of key nutrients, higher quality diets, and may have healthier lifestyle habits than children who do …

Study: Beverage Labels Confuse Parents

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice, Research

Beverage labeling regulations appear to fall short of helping parents identify the ingredients of drinks they purchase for their children, a recent study published in Pediatric Obesity suggests. This has researchers calling for changes to labeling regulations to increase transparency and help consumers choose healthier beverages. The online study included more than 1,600 parents who had healthy 1- to 5-year-old children. Parents were shown …

Best Ways to Celebrate National Orange Juice Day

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice

Today, May 4, is National OJ Day. It is the ideal opportunity to promote the many wonderful attributes of orange juice. Social media is a great place to boast about the benefits of orange juice. Consider posting about OJ today on social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Encourage your family and friends to do the same. Post a …

OJ Not Associated With Weight Gain in Children

Dan Citrus, Orange Juice

New research shows no adverse association between change in body mass index (BMI) and consumption of 100% orange juice (OJ) among older children. The four-year study published in Pediatric Obesity found that drinking 100% OJ was associated with smaller changes in BMI over time in girls, with no significant effect on BMI in boys. The analysis by researchers at the University of …