“Build Your Base”: Fueling Performance with Beef

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Florida Beef Council (FBC), Industry, Livestock, Livestock News

The Florida Beef Council is in Fort Worth, Tex. this week highlighting beef at the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association national conference. Athletes know that protein is important, and Build Your Base communicates beef as the premier protein. I visited with Deanne Maples to learn more about this exciting program.

Cattle Inventory Report Shows Unsurprising Trend

Will Jordan General

Wednesday’s Cattle inventory report showed an unsurprising trend as the U.S. cow herd saw a 2 percent decrease since last year. Terrell Platt, Market Analyst for Cattlefax shares more. Yet as those supplies remain tight, it’s important to give careful consideration to any retained females. Platt noted how cow size should be considered when herd rebuilding does begin. Emphasizing the …

USDA Announces Remote Beef Grading Pilot Program

Will Jordan Beef, Cattle

Many producers have found added value for their cattle through marketing freezer beef in their communities. Until now, though inspected for sale by USDA, those locally slaughtered cattle have been left without valuable quality grades. Following a recent feasibility study, USDA has announced a pilot program for remote beef grading. United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, announced the remote …

CAB Ranch to Table Direct Marketing Effort Growing in 2024

Will Jordan General

A new program from Certified Angus Beef, called Ranch to Table, is expected to gain momentum in 2024. Certified Angus Beef Director of Producer Engagement, Kara Lee, says the effort was not driven y consumer demand. Producers drove the initiation of this program as Ranch to Table allows them to engage in the process to access Certified Angus Beef branding …

Manage the Risks in 2024

Will Jordan Cattle

2024 has lots of potential both positive and negative. Volatile markets and unpredictable weather patterns directly impact producer’s pockets. I visited with Dr. Scott Brown, University of Missouri Professor and Market Analyst for a 2024 livestock outlook.

Lumpy Skin Disease Impacts Major U.S. Trade Partner

Will Jordan General

by Will Jordan A Lumpy Skin Disease outbreak is spreading across South Korea with 29 cases of the highly infectious viral disease reported as of Wednesday, October 25th. Though Lumpy Skin Disease was introduced to Asia in 2019, this is the first outbreak of its kind in South Korea. While the disease does not pose a risk to humans, it …