The Georgia Cattlemen’s Association Convention will wrap up in Columbus, Ga. on Friday, March 15. Throughout the convention attendees had the opportunity network with fellow producers, gather information about best practices for their operation and enjoy exceptional activities. As Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Association members participated in various contests, adult members learned in the Forage Conference. A 20,000 square foot trade …
Global Diet Study Reinforces National Dairy Council Research
By Will Jordan A new study recently published in the European Heart Journal concluded that whole-fat dairy serves as a heart-healthy source of nutrition and is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in all world regions. To learn more about the heart healthfulness of dairy, we visited with Dr. Chris Cifelli, Senior Vice President of Nutrition …
NCBA Calls R-CALF Effort an Attack on Beef Checkoff
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) alleges that R-CALF (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund) is attacking the beef checkoff. Last week, R-CALF asked for an injunction against collection of checkoff funds be expanded to 13 more states. The injunction currently only applies to Montana. In a statement, R-CALF says its members in other states “object to being required to turn over their …
GAO: USDA Should Increase Checkoff Program Oversight
At the request of House Minority Leader and California Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) prepared a report regarding the Agricultural Marketing Service and its oversight of national checkoff programs. The Hagstrom Report says the AMS should increase its oversight of the 22 national checkoff programs that producers pay fees to for industry research and promotion to expand …
Groups Want Checkoff Reform
Over 80 organizations recently sent letters to both the Senate and House of Representatives, calling on lawmakers to fix the government’s “failed commodity tax support programs.” The 80 organizations represent over 250,000 farmers, ranchers, and businesses that want recently introduced legislation passed by both chambers and signed into law. The letters say the legislation would bring much-needed transparency and accountability …