USDA Helped Improve Essential Services for 7 Million Rural Residents in 2017

Dan Industry News Release

Funding Supports Schools, Libraries, Municipal Centers, First Responder Vehicles and Equipment, Other Community Needs Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced that USDA invested in nearly 400 projects to provide essential services for more than 7 million people in rural areas across the country in Fiscal Year 2017. “Partnering with our small towns and cities to support essential services that rural residents …

RFA Develops ‘Ethanol in the Classroom’ Program for Students

Dan Education, Energy, Industry News Release

Consumers are never too young to learn about the benefits of ethanol. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has developed an “Ethanol in the Classroom” course, providing a fun and interactive way for students to learn about the renewable fuel. The e-Learning program is broken down into three levels: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. After selecting the appropriate level, …

New York Times: How NAFTA Shapes Beer, Bacon and Blue Jeans Trade

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The New York Times recently outlined what the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) means for three items notorious for their association with American culture. Combined, what should be considered for a country song title, the article details the cross-border trade of beer, bacon and blue jeans. The article notes that a change in trade policy could change the future …

Partnership Formed to Improve U.S. Water Quality

Dan Industry News Release, Water

A new partnership seeks to assess agricultural practices and strategies to further improve water quality in the United States. The Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, along with the Sand County Foundation, the Noble Research Institute and Farm Foundation, launched the National Agricultural Water Quality Practice Assessment this week. The groups say the assessment seeks to better understand how …

Reports Shows States with Most to Lose in NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A new report shows which states stand to lose the most when it comes to withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Farmers for Free Trade, a self-described bipartisan, grassroots campaign working to rebuild support for trade, says the report outlines the specific threats the states most dependent on NAFTA ag trade with Mexico would face if America …

Canada Says No NAFTA Dairy Negotiating Room with TPP 11 Agreement

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

With an agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership in place, Canada says there is now no room to negotiate it’s dairy pricing scheme through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). TPP-11, as it’s called, will be signed in March by the 11 remaining member countries. The agreement was reached a day shy of a year after President Trump removed the …

Remember to Invest in Farm and Ranch Employees

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

When it comes to farming, it’s important to remember your number one assets. Forget about all the fantastic technology and equipment available for ag these days, focus on the most important cog in your business machinery, your people. As labor becomes harder and harder for growers to find, its important invest the time to develop a culture at your business …

Ice Blockage In Major Waterways Slowing Grain Shipments

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The brutally cold arctic air that’s covered the U.S. at different times this winter has caused an unusually high buildup of ice in some of the nation’s waterways. Portions of the Mississippi, Illinois, and Ohio Rivers that are open year-round have become smaller, or closed entirely, due to ice buildup. Mike Steenhoek of the Soy Transportation Coalition says it’s impacting …

National Pork Board Invests in International Marketing-Part 1

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

The National Pork Board has made a significant increase in its budget for international marketing. This comes at a time when the United States is faced with large pork supplies and record exports. Pork Checkoff vice president of international marketing Craig Morris said a successful 2018 is dependent on exports. Exports The U.S. Meat Export Federation will receive the largest …

Alternative Antibiotic Gives Piglets a Boost

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

An amino acid produced naturally in humans, swine and other species shows promise as an alternative to antibiotics and growth promoters for piglets. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists found that L-glutamine fed to piglets produced positive growth and health effects. This news comes at an opportune time in light of the 2017 Veterinary Feed Directive banning the use of antibiotics in swine …