
Celebrating National Flour Month

Dan This Land of Ours, Wheat

Cathy Isom continues her series this week on celebrating food with the crucial baking ingredient recognized in the month of March. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Celebrating National Flour Month Although it is not as well known as some of the other significant food holidays, March bears another significant honor — National Flour Month. When it comes …


Study Of U.S. Grains Council ROI

Dan Industry News Release, Wheat

$20 In Tax Revenue For Every $1 In Farm Bill Spending On Export Market Development Spending on overseas market development for U.S. feed grains and related products increased the value of those exports by an average of $1.71 billion per year from 2010 to 2014 and increased U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) by an average of $5 billion per year, …

USDA February WASDE Report

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The latest monthly World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from the Department of Agriculture shows lower estimated soybean exports for the 2017-18 crop year. USDA lowered soybean exports by 60 million bushels to 2.1 billion bushels. The U.S. season-average soybean price range for 2017/18 is projected at $8.90 to $9.70 per bushel, unchanged from the previous report. USDA …

ADM, Bunge Talks Advancing

Dan Industry News Release, Wheat

Talks between ADM and Bunge are advancing, and ADM says it could reach an agreement to purchase Bungee as soon as this week. Archer Daniels Midland, or ADM, proposed a takeover of Bunge last month, as Reuters points out that large grain traders that make money by buying, selling, storing and shipping commodity crops have struggled with global oversupplies and …

NAFTA Wheat Groups Call for Successful Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade, Wheat

Wheat organizations from The U.S., Canada and Mexico are urging negotiators to reach a successful North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In a letter addressed to negotiators and President Donald Trump, several wheat-based groups from the three nations detailed the importance of the trade agreement to wheat growers and their associated industries. National Association of Wheat Growers President Gordon Stoner …


Ice Blockage In Major Waterways Slowing Grain Shipments

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The brutally cold arctic air that’s covered the U.S. at different times this winter has caused an unusually high buildup of ice in some of the nation’s waterways. Portions of the Mississippi, Illinois, and Ohio Rivers that are open year-round have become smaller, or closed entirely, due to ice buildup. Mike Steenhoek of the Soy Transportation Coalition says it’s impacting …

wheat staging

The Importance of Proper Wheat Staging

Dan Industry News Release, Wheat

During a recent Wheat U event in Spokane, Washington hosted by High Plains Journal and BASF, Jim Vandecovering with BASF talked with wheat growers about the importance of proper wheat staging and whether it really matters for overall plant health and profitability. Yield He says another important part of the wheat plant factory is the assembly line. Wheat Farming with …

Farm Futures Releases 2018 Planting Intentions Survey Results

Dan Corn, Cotton, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

Farm Futures magazine recently released its survey of 2018 planting intentions, which shows that farmers aren’t quite ready to make major changes to their crop rotations. However, they are going to plant more of what paid best in 2017. For the first time since 1983, farmers want to plant more soybeans than corn. Back then, the government’s PIK program idled …

Corn Yield and Soybean Production Up in 2017

Dan Corn, Cotton, Crop Forecasts, Soybeans, USDA-NASS, Wheat

Winter Wheat Seedings and Grain Stocks also reported Across the Midwest, a lack of extreme heat helped boost the nation’s corn yield to its highest level on record – slightly above 2016. The nation’s soybean yield was down 6 percent from 2016, but production reached a record level due to record high acreage, according to the Crop Production 2017 Summary …

U.S. Crop Prices Forecast to Remain Stable

Dan Field Crops, Industry News Release, Wheat

U.S. grain prices and demand for grain products will likely not change much, if at all. That forecast comes from Dr. Keith Coble, the Agricultural and Economics Department head at Mississippi State University. He spoke to attendees of the American Farm Bureau national convention during a workshop on global crop trends and the U.S. farm policy forecast for the year …