Agri View: Big Farm Shows

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about the big farm shows that take place around the country each year in today’s Agri View. Big Farm Shows There are a half-dozen or more big farm shows across the country every year. They draw farmers from their area to show them what is new in equipment and in crop production. Farmers learn a lot. And, …

Agri View: Caring for Your Pet

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about caring for your pet with the proper pet food in today’s Agri View. Caring for Your Pet Now, here is something I haven’t thought of until just a few days ago. A lot of homes have pets. Mostly dogs and cats. But, there are others. It doesn’t take long for that ‘pet’ to become another member …

Agri View: Pine Beetle Outbreak

Dan Agri View, Forestry

Everett Griner talks about the damage the southern pine beetle outbreak is causing to pine trees in today’s Agri View. Pine Beetle Outbreak There are more pine trees in America than any other kind. More pines are cut, and the lumber has more uses than any other type of tree. But, the southern pine beetle has struck again. Right now, …

Agri View: Feral Hog Problem Over?

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about what is being considered as the last measure to solve the Feral Hog problem in today’s Agri View. Feral Hog Problem Over? Well, the feral hog problem is over. Wouldn’t that be a marvelous headline across the country? But it isn’t. In fact, it gets worse. It is so bad until those trying to stop it …