Organic Field Crop Production Numbers Rising

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

Organic farming is a rapidly growing segment of U.S. agriculture. Organic vegetables, fruits, and livestock make up the bulk of the entire segment. However, a new USDA report shows organic field crops are making gains in the number of acres planted and overall value. The National Ag Statistics Service released the numbers showing that U.S. farms and ranches produced $7.6 …

Georgia Offering Temporary Sheltering Facilities for Evacuated Livestock

Dan Equine, Georgia, Industry News Release

With Hurricane Irma inching closer to Florida, the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) has been working with all of their state, federal and industry partners to support the safety and comfort of not only Georgia citizens and their animals, but also their Florida neighbors fleeing the storm. GDA has temporarily suspended Animal Interstate Movement Health Requirements for entry into Georgia …

Putnam Announces Suspension of Intrastate Movement Requirements for Transportation of Pets and Livestock

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Livestock

Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam’s department suspended intrastate movement requirements for the transportation of animals from the areas expected to be impacted by Hurricane Irma. Additionally, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi have waived their interstate import requirements for Florida pets and livestock. “By suspending the intrastate movement requirements for the transportation of animals, we can ensure that Floridians and visitors …

Agri View: Coyote Problem Spreads

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about the coyote problem spreading across the Southeast in today’s Agri View. Well, coyotes are making news again. My last report dealt with a growing problem in our larger midwestern cities. This one is out of the southeast region. No telling where the next one will be from because the once-noted creature from the west is a …

USDA Options for Livestock Producers Dealing With Drought

Dan Cattle, Drought, Livestock

Dry and or drought conditions are nothing new to livestock producers in the Southeast. But this year, some of the areas suffering the most have been in the Northern Plains. And in a story from Rod Bain, we learn more about some of the tools in the USDA tool shed that can assist livestock producers facing drought conditions, particularly from …

Questions about GIPSA Rule

Dan Beef, Cattle, Livestock, Pork, Poultry

The Department of Agriculture’s extended comment period for the Obama-era rules to reform the buying and selling of livestock and poultry expired this past Monday. The rule is set to take effect October 19th under the Trump Administration’s new timeline, but there’s still uncertainty over its fate. So the question now is, will the so-called GIPSA marketing rule that’s divided …

Withdraw ‘GIPSA’ Rule, Say NPPC, Pork Producers

Dan Industry News Release, Livestock, Pork

The National Pork Producers Council in comments submitted again urged the U.S. Department of Agriculture to withdraw a regulation related to the buying and selling of livestock. It also delivered to the agency comments from 630 pork producers and others in the pork industry, opposing the regulation and asking that it be withdrawn. The comments were on an interim final …

Meat Production Forecast Lowered

Dan Beef, Dairy, Livestock, Pork, Poultry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) latest World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report was released last Friday, and in the Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy section, the forecast for total meat production for 2017 was lowered from last month but is raised for 2018. Beef production for 2017 was lowered primarily on lighter carcass weights which more than offsets higher …