Have you ever wondered what it would be like to attend, be in, or even judge, a food competition. In today’s Agri View, Everett Griner explores the world of a sausage competition. Judging a Sausage Competition I read about an event I would like to attend next year. I wouldn’t know where to go because the location was not revealed …
Agri View: Unusual Farm Technology
Everett Griner talks about farm technology that is rather unusual in today’s Agri View. Unusual Farm Technology Quite often I devote my alotted time to the impact that modern technology had, and has had, on agriculture. You couldn’t list them all in a week’s time. There is one piece of technology I haven’t given mention to. I never thought of …
Agri View: Pork Exports to Other than China
Everett Griner talks about pork exports to other than China in today’s Agri View. Pork Exports to Other than China You know, one of the most important items to U.S. farmers on that list of China’s embargoed items is pork. It can cost U.S. hog farmers millions of dollars. No one knows how to deal with it, as long as …
Agri View: Favorite Food in the World
Everett Griner talks about the most popular food item in the world in today’s Agri View. Favorite Food in the World You know, you see a picture of a hamburger on the TV screen. You can just about bet that it will not be that big when you go in to order one. Still, you are buying the most popular …
Agri View: California Farm Facts
How often have you sat down at a meal and wondered where the food was produced? Can you pick out what is grown in Florida, California, the Northeast, or Midwest? Everett Griner gives us some interesting California farm facts in today’s Agri View. California Farm Facts You know, I thought a lot of food consumed at my house came from …
Agri View: Tariff Effect on the Pecan Crop – Hard Nut to Crack
Everett Griner talks about the effect a tariff will have on the pecan crop in today’s Agri View. He has some interesting facts and a bit of history about the pecan. Tariff Effect on the Pecan Crop-Hard Nut to Crack There are a lot of tree nuts grown in the United States. The pecan is the only one that is …
Agri View: Strawberry Consumption
Did you know that America’s favorite fruit doesn’t grow on a tree? Everett Griner talks about the consumption of strawberries in today’s Agri View. Strawberry Consumption What if I told you that America’s favorite fruit doesn’t grow on a tree. It has to be planted every year. I guess you know by now that I am talking about strawberries. Although …
Agri View: Growing Family Farms
Which size farms are growing in America? Everett Griner talks about family farms dominate in the United States in today’s Agri View. Growing Family Farms Yes, it is a fact that American farms are getting larger. It doesn’t mean that they are all corporate owned though. The largest part of U.S. agriculture is still the family owned farm. That is …
Agri View: Vidalia Onions
In today’s Agri View, Everett Griner talks about what is takes to grow a good crop of Vidalia onions. Vidalia Onions The new crop of Vidalia onions is in the stores by now. A report from the grower region says it is a pretty good crop. That doesn’t mean all growers had a good year. But overall, the size and …
Agri View: Holstein Cows
Everett Griner talks about Holstein cows in today’s Agri View. Everett fills us in about what really distinguishes these cows from others. Holstein Cows I don’t know how many breeds of cows there are in the world, but I know that the Holstein is the most recognizable. Their black and white markings make them easy to recognize them. It is …