Agri View: Job Losses Due to Automation

Dan Agri View, Technology

Everett Griner talks about how automation and technology advances have caused job losses in today’s Agri View. More and more farming is becoming an automated industry. It speeds up production and increases overall output. Driverless tractors, milking machines, drone aircraft, just to name a few. It keeps growing. But, there is a downside to all of this advancing technology. The …

Agri View: Dangerous Jobs

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about farming ranking high in Dangerous Jobs list in today’s Agri View. You know we constantly are reminded that being in law enforcement or being a firefighter is a dangerous job. When a policeman or fireman loses his life, it makes national news. When did you see any news about a farmer’s death? Actually, farming is a …

Agri View: Grape Farming Expanding

Dan Agri View, Georgia, Specialty Crops

Everett Griner talks about grape farming and wine production in more than just California in today’s Agri View.       You know it takes good grapes to make good wine. California has always been America’s primary source of wine grapes. Grape farmers are among the nation’s most elite group. Of course, there are small and medium vineyards in other …

Agri View: Weather Is Important for Crop Outlook

Dan Agri View, Cotton, Wheat

Everett Griner talks about the crop outlook for 2017, factoring in the weather, in today’s Agri View.       Market analysts were predicting another tough year for cotton and grain farmers back in early April. In storage, supplies of all crops were above average and early planting intentions from the March survey were higher than expected. But still, market …