Agri View: Organic Foods Growing

Dan Agri View, Organic

Everett Griner talks about organic foods covers more in today’s Agri View.     Now, what began as a social fad has turned into a worldwide heath obsession. Organic foods. It has grown from a small number of independent growers to nearly 25,000 certified organic operations. That is in America. Worldwide the number is now estimated at over 37,000 certified …

Agri View: Feral Hog Fight

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about the feral hog fight that has grown to 38 states in today’s Agri View.     With all of the research and technology, everything we have done has done little to solve a problem that is still spreading across our country — feral hogs. I get a report from a different state just about every month. …

Agri View: Growing Population Challenges

Dan Agri View, Economy

Everett Griner talks about farmers not concerned about challenges ahead with the growing population in today’s Agri View.     Feeding the world population of 9 billion people is still a challenge to agriculture. The farmers who grow the crops don’t seem to be worried. Looking at their efforts in the last half century one can understand why. You see, …

Agri View: School Lunch Problem

Dan Agri View, Education

Everett Griner talks about the changing of the guard brought changes to the school lunch program in today’s Agri View.     Agriculture officials were not happy with former First Lady Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program. They can breathe easy now. It is out. Dumped by officials in the Trump administration. You see, the Obama program featured healthy food. They …

Agri View: Cleaner Living

Dan Agri View, Environment

Everett Griner talks about living in a cleaner world, thanks to the E.P.A. in today’s Agri View.         Let’s be honest. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gets a lot of criticism. Some of it may be justified, but not all of it. The way farmers and homeowners once used poisons and pesticides would make today’s world totally …