Farm Policy Facts Study Addresses Heritage Foundation Suggestions

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

A study sponsored by seven agriculture groups and released by Farm Policy Facts calls a plan by the Heritage Foundation misleading. Brandon Willis, former Agriculture Department Risk Management Agency administrator, crafted the study “How Heritage Foundation’s U.S. Farm Policy Proposals Would Put America Last.” The Heritage Foundation released a blueprint earlier this year for the 2018 Farm Bill and claims …

Higher Supplies Keeping Consumer Meat Prices Lower

Dan Beef, Industry News Release, Pork, Poultry

Higher supplies of meat will continue to pressure consumer prices lower, according to a forecast by the Department of Agriculture. The USDA Economic Research Service Food Price Outlook predicts beef and veal prices to decrease one to two percent in 2017 but increase the same amount in 2018. That’s because, in August, the U.S. cattle herd was at its highest …

Environmental Working Group Keeps Eye on Farm Bill Development

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

The Environmental Working Group is paying close attention to the process of developing the new Farm Bill. Craig Cox, Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, says the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill represent a big opportunity to help farmers deal with the more serious issues they’re going to face regarding the quality of life. The EW G …

Countdown to Census: What You Need To Know

Dan Industry News Release

Only eight weeks until producers start to receive the 2017 Census of Agriculture In just a couple months, farmers and ranchers across the nation will start receiving the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Producers can mail in their completed census form, or respond online via the improved web questionnaire. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service has extensively revised …

Heat-Tolerant Broccoli for the Future

Dan Field Crops, Industry News Release, Vegetables

Traditionally, broccoli is a cool-weather crop. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are looking to change that by developing new varieties that grow in warm temperatures. ARS plant geneticist Mark Farnham and his team in Charleston, South Carolina, have developed and characterized the genetic sources of broccoli’s heat tolerance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics published these results in March 2017. The team, led by ARS geneticist Sandra …

NMPF Supports Effort to Bring Clarity to EPA’s Waters of the U.S. Regulation

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Water

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) told the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today that the dairy industry supports a two-step process to roll back the existing Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) regulation and generate a new policy that provides farmers greater certainty in the future. NMPF has supported efforts by the Trump Administration since January to restart the regulatory …

UF Professors to Lead Grant Project to Turn Seed Into Jet Fuel

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

With help from University of Florida researchers, pilots will, in the future, fly jets with fuel made from a tiny seed grown in the Southeast. Besides helping the environment and boosting the economy as a source of renewable fuel, the seed can also be used to produce valuable bioproducts and feed for livestock. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute …

Bacon and Chicken Up, OJ Too

Dan Industry News Release

Higher retail prices for several foods, including bacon, chicken breast, orange juice, sliced deli ham and flour resulted in a slight increase in the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Fall Harvest Marketbasket Survey. The informal survey shows the total cost of 16 food items that can be used to prepare one or more meals was $51.13, up $1.43, or about 3 …

GOP’s Evolving Tax Plan May See Changes

Dan Industry News Release

New details are filtering out on the GOP’s evolving tax plan. Some reports say equipment expensing and how producers file their taxes could see changes. Washington Post sources say the White House and GOP leaders want to cut the rate paid by thousands of businesses that pay taxes through the individual income tax code to 25-percent from nearly 40-percent. American …

Census of Agriculture to Start Soon

Dan Industry News Release

Farmers will soon receive forms for the 2017 Census of Agriculture. The Department of Agriculture’s National Ag Statistics Service says farmers and ranchers across the nation will begin receiving the forms in eight weeks. Producers can mail in their completed census form, or respond online. Conducted once every five years, the census of agriculture is a complete count of all …