Certainty with Senate Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The Senate Ag Committee passed a bipartisan farm bill in under three-hours Wednesday, adding just a handful of amendments. The 20-1 vote was in stark contrast to the purely partisan effort in the House Ag Committee. In a joint statement, Committee leaders Pat Roberts and Debbie Stabenow said the bipartisan farm bill process “is a reminder of how things should work …

Trump Set to Launch Tariffs Against China

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump could impose tariffs on Chinese good Friday, or perhaps next week, according to Politico. Sources say the imminent move faces a Friday deadline for publishing a final list of goods that will be hit with the 25 percent tariff. However, the order for the products list deadline does not offer a timeline on when the tariffs will …

Grassley Owns Lone Committee Vote Against Senate Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley was the only member of the Senate Agriculture Committee to vote against the farm bill during Wednesday’s markup session. Grassley aired-out two concerns to the committee that led to his vote against the otherwise bipartisan bill. Grassley sought stronger payment limits to farmers in the bill, an idea he has long-supported. During a speech earlier this …

Farm Bureau: Farmers Buoyed by Senate Farm Bill Vote

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The following may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “Farmers and ranchers welcome the markup and passage of the farm bill by the Senate Agriculture Committee. Low commodity prices, rising interest rates and an uncertain future for exports hang heavy over America’s farm and ranch land. But today’s vote means light on the horizon. We know …

Governor and Cabinet Surpass 50K Florida Acres Preserved Through RFLPP

Dan Florida, Industry News Release

The Governor and Cabinet approved the preservation of more than 8,300 acres through four cost-effective conservation easements, which prevent future development of the land and allow agricultural operations to continue to contribute to Florida’s economy. The purchases are part of the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP), where the state partners with Florida’s farmers and ranchers to preserve active …

Bipartisan Farm Bill Passed by Senate Ag Committee

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Delivering on a promise, U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., are pleased to announce the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 was favorably reported out of the Committee with bipartisan support. Commonly referred to as the Farm Bill, the bipartisan 5-year legislation encompasses a broad array of agriculture, nutrition, conservation, and forestry policy.  …

Senate Agriculture Committee Approves Farm Bill

Dan Dairy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Enhances Dairy Safety Net The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) commended the leadership of the Senate Agriculture Committee for crafting a bipartisan Farm Bill that contains beneficial provisions for America’s dairy farmers. Following passage by a margin of 20-1, the bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration. The Senate Farm Bill contains enhancements to the dairy Margin Protection …

UF/IFAS Researcher to Experiment with Algae in Space

Dan Industry News Release, Research

A University of Florida scientist will use the International Space Station to see if algae can help recycle carbon dioxide and eventually be used to help make plastics, resins and even food. Initially, researchers want to improve algae’s ability to use light to capture carbon, and in turn, help support animal and plant life in space, said Mark Settles, a …

EPA Admin Says EPA Will Move on Year-Round E15

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt spent part of a trip in Kansas at an ethanol production facility. Pruitt’s trip included a stop at the East Kansas Agri-Energy ethanol plant, along with meeting local agriculture groups. The visit comes a week after the White House stopped a proposal that ethanol groups say would harm the industry, allowing RIN exports, …

Ranking House Ag Member Peterson Welcomes Senate Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin Peterson of Minnesota welcomed farm bill text released by the Senate Agriculture Committee. In a statement released prior to Wednesday’s planned markup of the bill, Peterson applauded the Senate for its bipartisan approach and expressed hope that the House would bring a similarly bipartisan bill to conference. Notably, Peterson says the Senate bill “avoids …