
Marketing Assistance Loan Deadlines Approaching

Dan Cattle, Corn, Economy, Industry News Release, Livestock, Soybeans, Wheat

May 31 Deadline for Feed Grains, Upland Cotton, Soybeans and Minor Oilseeds U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Richard Fordyce reminds producers of the May 31 deadline to apply for crop year 2018 marketing assistance loans for feed grains, upland cotton, soybeans and minor oilseeds. “These commodity loans provide short-term financing, allowing producers to meet interim …


Farm Futures Planting Survey Shows Less Corn Acres than USDA

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

Farmers indicate they may plant less corn than previously thought by the Department of Agriculture, according to the annual Farm Futures planting survey. The survey of 1,000 producers nationwide says that after planting more soybeans than corn in 2018 for the first time in 35 years, farmers want to return to more normal rotations this spring. However, with the impact …


USDA Releases Shutdown-delayed Reports

Dan Corn, Field Crops, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The Department of Agriculture’s backlog of reports delayed from the government shutdown overall provided a neutral outlook. USDA reported 2018 corn production at 14.4 billion bushels with a national average yield of 176 bushels per acre. Meanwhile, USDA says farmers harvested a record 4.5 billion bushels of soybeans, up three percent from last year, with a national average yield of …

Farm Futures Survey Shows Planting Intentions

Dan Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

A survey by Farm Futures finds growers said they want to boost corn and cotton acreage, while cutting back on crops affected by China’s import tariffs on soybeans and sorghum. Farm Futures surveyed 626 farmers in December and January and reported soybean planting intentions of 84.6 million acres, down 5.5 percent from 2018, but more than the 82.5 million projected …

Second Round of Trade Aid Payments Underway

Dan Corn, Cotton, Dairy, Economy, Pork, Wheat

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is moving forward on the second and final round of trade mitigation payments to farmers hurt from retaliation by America’s trading partners. Commodity producers are now eligible to receive market facilitation payments (MFP) on the second half of their 2018 production. USDA has been sending out the first round of MFP payments to producers …


UF/IFAS-led Global Group Seeks Traits for Wheat with More Protein

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Research, Wheat

When consumers buy wheat products, such as bread or pasta, they expect to get protein with their purchase. But in a warming world with high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, the genes required to keep wheat production high are the same ones that keep grain protein down, a University of Florida scientist says. By breeding wheat with specific traits, scientists can …

Grain Industry Seeks to Modernize Global Ag Commodity Trade

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Trade, Wheat

The world’s largest grain processors are jointly seeking to standardize and digitize global agriculture shipping transactions. Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus announced the collaboration this week in an effort to benefit the entire industry and seek broad-based industry participation to promote global access and adoption. Initially, the companies are focused on technologies to automate grain and oilseed …

September USDA Stocks Report Bearish

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The USDA reported larger than expected inventories of corn, soybeans, and wheat in its September 1st Stocks Report, which analysts call bearish for the markets. The corn supplies came in at 2.14 billion bushels, which is 138 million more than the last estimate of old-crop carryout. USDA says feed usage was likely smaller than expected, reducing the number of bushels …