Cotton Diseases a Factor for Georgia Producers

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia Extension plant pathologist Bob Kemerait caution growers about various diseases that could be problematic over the final weeks of this year’s production season. Kemerait said the excessive rains this summer have sparked three diseases that growers need to be wary of. “With all the moisture we’ve had and with …

Southeast Cotton Progressing, Peanut Harvest Underway

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

While the U.S. cotton crop is still behind last year in the pace of the crop setting bolls, USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says overall the crop remains in good shape. In Alabama, only 27 percent of the cotton crop saw bolls opening, which compares to 52 percent last year and 56 percent is the 5-year average. As for peanut harvest, …

U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol Holding Enrollment Webinars

Dan Cotton, Education

The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol will present six live enrollment webinars over the next few weeks that will focus on how the program helps U.S. growers meet the changing demands from their end customer while also better documenting and verifying the sustainability practices and advances already incorporated into their farms. Launched in 2020, the Trust Protocol is a farm level, …

U.S. Cotton Production Forecast Up 27 Percent from Last Year

Dan Cotton, Crop Forecasts, USDA-NASS

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released their September crop reports today, and Becky Sommer with NASS in Washington D.C. says the U.S. cotton production estimate is up 27 percent from last year’s crop. All cotton production is forecast at 18.5 million 480-pound bales, up 7 percent from the previous estimate and up 27 percent from 2020. Acreage updates were made in several States based …

USDA to Survey Farm Chemical Use and Production Costs

Dan Alabama, Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Georgia, USDA-NASS

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has announced they will be gathering information about production practices from producers across Alabama and Georgia, as part of the 2021 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). This year, NASS is reaching out to survey cotton and corn producers across the region. Starting in October, NASS representatives will call producers to set up an …

Scouting Key in Management of Stink Bugs in Cotton

Clint Thompson Cotton, Pest/Pest Control

By Clint Thompson Scouting remains the best management tactic for cotton producers against stink bug pressure. It also ensures that stink bugs are present so growers can avoid applying insecticides when they are not needed, says Brock Ward, retail business representative at Syngenta. “In this area it’s pretty dynamic the different species that we see of insects that hit us …

NASS Reviewing Acreage Earlier for Certain Crops

Dan Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts, Soybeans, USDA-NASS

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced Wednesday it will review planted and harvested acreage for select crops earlier than normal. The crops under review include corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, sorghum, soybeans and sugarbeets. NASS will review all available data, including survey data, satellite-based data, and the latest information from USDA’s Farm Service Agency and Risk Management Agency. They …

GCC, GPC Remind Growers About Upcoming Field Day at UGA Tifton

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC), Peanuts

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) and Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) remind producers about the upcoming University of Georgia (UGA) Cotton and Peanut Research Field Day on the UGA Tifton Campus on Wednesday, Sept. 8. Both commission groups sponsor the event. It is held every year to provide growers timely information and about research being conducted on campus, …