Paraguay Fresh Beef Importation Rule Goes into Effect

Will Jordan Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, Livestock, Livestock News, Marketing, Trade, USDA-APHIS

by Will Jordan USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) final rule on the “Importation of Fresh Beef From Paraguay” goes into effect this week, on Nov. 14, 2023. Published in the Federal Register last month, the rule has drawn many questions from producers. According to the APHIS’s rule, they expect fresh beef imported from Paraguay to be between …

China Approves More U.S. Beef and Pork Plants for Export

Will Jordan Beef, Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, General, Industry, Livestock, Livestock News, Pork, Trade, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF)

by Will Jordan and USMEF China’s General Administration of Customs recently approved 18 U.S. beef establishments and 12 U.S. pork establishments for export to China – the first new U.S. plants cleared for export to China in about 10 months. Erin Borror, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) vice president for economic analysis, says the plant approval process was streamlined by …

USDA Works to Expand Asian Export Markets

Will Jordan Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, Marketing, Trade, USDA

by Will Jordan It’s no secret that U.S. Beef is the preferred protein domestically and abroad. Asia is ever expanding as a major market for U.S red meat exports. As market access expands export trade adds more value to cattle on the hoof. I visited with Alexis Taylor, USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, to learn more …

Undersecretary Keys in on Specialty Crop Trade

Dan Commodities, Exports/Imports, Specialty Crops, Trade

While meeting with reporters at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual convention, USDA Undersecretary for Trade, Alexis Taylor, keyed in on trade missions that could be particularly beneficial to the nation’s specialty crop industries. Taylor said funding from the USDA will also help the industry with trade challenges. “In addition to some market development work, we’re doing a hundred …

Vilsack Announces Plan to Increase Trade

Dan Commodities, Economy, Exports/Imports, Trade

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Thursday announced the next steps in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s efforts to bolster U.S. agricultural trade, including the department’s planned trade missions for 2024 and the opening of a public comment period for the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP). “As I’ve often said, the key to trade is people’s presence and promotions, and …

FAO Predicts Decline International Foodstuffs Trade

Dan Exports/Imports, This Land of Ours, Trade

Will the international food trade see a decline? That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) predicts a declining international trade in foodstuffs for multiple reasons. While the organization’s latest forecasts point to favorable production outlooks for most basic foodstuffs, global food production systems remain vulnerable to several risks. Those challenges include …


NCBA Opposes Beef Imports from Paraguay

Dan Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, Marketing, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA)

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) opposes the USDA’s decision to allow Paraguayan beef imports starting next month. NCBA has repeatedly raised concerns with USDA over Paraguay’s history of foot-and-mouth disease and the outdated information used to justify Paraguay’s access to the U.S. market. NCBA is concerned that USDA’s failure to use information from recent site visits in the risk …