Baby Formula Imports Face Tariffs Again in 2023

Dan Agri-Business, Exports/Imports, Tariff, This Land of Ours

Baby formula importers face changes again this year. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Baby formula imports into the U.S. will be subject to tariffs again this year as the exemptions implemented during a nationwide shortage are scheduled to expire. Reuters says the shortage began during supply chain issues brought on by COVID, and those issues began to …

U.S. Beef Exports to East Asia on a Record Pace

Dan Agri-Business, Beef, Cattle, Exports/Imports, Trade, USDA-FAS

The USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) released a report titled “U.S. Beef Exports to East Asia on a Record Pace.” Despite economic uncertainties brought on by COVID, continued global supply chain challenges, and a competitive global beef market, American exports to East Asia were outstanding in the first half of 2022 in terms of value and volume. The report says, …

Important Ag Provisions in the Omnibus Bill

Dan Agri-Business, Funding, Legislative

President Biden signed the omnibus spending package into law that diverts a government shutdown and keeps it running until September 30, 2023. The bill with more than 4,000 pages contains many notable items important to U.S. farmers and ranchers. The bill includes $3.7 billion in disaster funding for crop and livestock losses due to drought and other problems in 2022. …

U.S. Congress Passes Omnibus Appropriations Bill

Dan Agri-Business, Funding, Legislative, Peanuts

Includes USPF Supported Peanut Projects (USPF/Jan. 3, 2023/Washington, D.C.) — The U.S. Congress has passed the $1.7 trillion Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 consists of all 12 FY23 appropriation bills, including the $25.5 billion Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies funding bill. Included in the bill are peanut provisions …

New Bill Includes Dollars for Child Nutrition

Dan Agri-Business, Economy, Funding, Peanuts

The new fiscal year 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill, sent to President Biden’s desk, includes money earmarked for Child Nutrition, Tyron Spearman explains how these dollars will be used. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

2022 Census of Agriculture Underway

Dan Agri-Business, Census of Agriculture, Census of Agriculture, This Land of Ours, USDA-NASS

The importance of the Census of Agriculture. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Growers are reminded to fill out their 2022 Census of Agriculture. The USDA mailed out the paper questionnaires earlier this month to all known agriculture producers across the nation and Puerto Rico. Last month, producers in the states received their survey codes with an invitation …

UFW Assigns Blame for Lack of Immigration Action

Dan Agri-Business, American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), Labor and Immigration

United Farm Workers (UFW) leadership laid the blame for a lack of action in Washington on immigration at the feet of the Republican Party and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). The Senate decided not to include worker immigration legislation in the fiscal year 2023 omnibus appropriations bill. The omnibus passed the House last week and is on the way …

Looking at the New Omnibus Appropriations Bill

Dan Agri-Business, Legislative, Peanuts

The new Omnibus Appropriations Bill passed by Congress includes funding for many key programs that support agriculture. Tyron Spearman looks at some of the areas that will be funded in 2023. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

National Grazing Lands Coalition Mini Grant Application Deadline Nearing

Dan Agri-Business, Cattle, Economy, Funding, Livestock, Pasture

The National Grazing Lands Coalition wants to remind producers and landowners that the 2023 Mini Grant Application deadline is January 6, 2023. The Coalition’s mission is to promote ecologically and economically sound management of private grazing lands for all their adapted uses and multiple benefits to society. They recognize grazing lands as a major source of watershed filtration, ground water recharge, and carbon …