WASDE Anticipates Lower Harvests for Corn and Soybeans

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans

The October World Ag Supply and Demand (WASDE) report predicts corn and soybean yields will both be lower than previously expected. Corn production is forecast at 14.78 billion bushels, down 49 million bushels due to a reduced yield forecast. Corn supplies going into harvest are forecast to be a record-high number, exports were raised by 75 million bushels, and USDA …

corn crop

WASDE Predicts Second-largest Corn Crop, Record Soybean Crop

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans

The Latest World Agriculture Supply and Demand report predicts the second-largest corn crop for the United States this year and a record soybean crop. Corn production is forecast at 14.82 billion bushels, up 241 million from last month on an increased yield forecast. The outlook predicts larger production, increased domestic use, greater exports, and higher ending stocks. The season-average corn …

grain trade

WASDE Report Predicts Record Soybean Crop for Brazil

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The latest World Agriculture Supply and Demand (WASDE) Report from the Department of Agriculture shows Brazil is reaching a record soybean planting. USDA predicted a record Brazilian soybean crop in the report Tuesday of 115 million metric tons, or 4.2 billion bushels. Domestically, U.S. soybean supply and use changes for 2017/18 include increased crush, lower seed and residual use, and …

USDA February WASDE Report

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The latest monthly World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from the Department of Agriculture shows lower estimated soybean exports for the 2017-18 crop year. USDA lowered soybean exports by 60 million bushels to 2.1 billion bushels. The U.S. season-average soybean price range for 2017/18 is projected at $8.90 to $9.70 per bushel, unchanged from the previous report. USDA …

2018 Setting a Friendlier Tone for Commodities

Dan Industry News Release, Soybeans

On Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released reports that included World Ag Supply and Demand and 2017 Crop Production figures. The agency said American farmers posted an average of 176.6 bushel per acre after the 2017 corn harvest, bringing in a total of 14.604 billion bushels. The soybean harvest brought in 4.329 billion bushels, with an average yield of …

Latest WASDE Report from USDA

Dan Cattle, Dairy, Field Crops, Industry News Release, Livestock, Pork, Poultry

The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE) was released recently. During December, raging wildfires in southern California and a late-month cold wave east of the Rockies highlighted a La Niña-driven weather regime. La Niña also contributed to a broad expanse of drier than-normal conditions, especially across the southern tier of the country. A few areas, however, received …

USDA Predicts Less Corn in Storage in Latest WASDE

Dan Corn, Industry News Release

The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report released Tuesday by the Department of Agriculture predicts lower corn stocks. USDA predicts that about 2.43 billion bushels of corn will be in storage at the end of the 2018 marketing year, down from a previous estimate of 2.48 billion. USDA expects 50 more million bushels of corn will be …

Some Good News for Corn in the Latest USDA WASDE Report

Dan Corn, Crop Forecasts, Industry News Release

Last Thursday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated a corn crop for 2017 higher than U.S. farmers have ever realized, coming in with a whopping 175.4 bushels to acre average. That would equate to a record 14.578 billion bushels of corn harvested this year. The yield guess was significantly higher than analysts like Mike Zuzolo from Global Commodity Analytics was …