RFA: Full Potential of Fuel Regulations Waiver Should Include Relaxing Additional Restrictions on Sale of E15

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

In a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Renewable Fuels Association thanked the agency for its Aug. 30 waiver in 12 states and the District of Columbia of certain fuel regulations due to the fuel supply emergency caused by Hurricane Harvey. The waiver, which relaxes the RVP requirement such that E15 (15% ethanol) may be sold immediately in conventional gasoline …

RFA asks EPA to Expand Hurricane Harvey Fuel Waiver

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

In a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) asked the agency to “take immediate action to expand the scope and geographic coverage” of the fuel waiver issued by the agency Aug. 26 in response to Hurricane Harvey. “While EPA’s August 26 waiver of certain reformulated gasoline (RFG) and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) requirements was a welcome step, …

Renewable Fuels Association Calls RFS Proposal for Conventional Biofuels Justified

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Renewable Fuels Association CEO Bob Dinneen thanked the Environmental Protection Agency for proposing the volume requirement of convention biofuels at 15 billion gallons next year. However, Dinneen also urged the federal agency to increase its proposed cellulosic ethanol requirement to reflect growing technologies at existing ethanol plants. The EPA proposed to set the conventional biofuels volume under the Renewable Fuel …

Delay of Decision to Impose U.S. Ethanol Import Tariff

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Executive Management Committee of CAMEX, Brazil’s Chamber of Foreign Trade, announced Tuesday a 30-day delay of a decision on a pending proposal to impose a 20 percent tariff on U.S. ethanol imports. The proposal would allow 500 million liters (132.1 million gallons) annually of U.S. ethanol imports before triggering the tariff. The following is a joint statement on this …

Mexico Adopts E10 Fuels

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Mexico will allow 10 percent ethanol blends of fuel, according to a recent announcement by the Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission. The announcement modifies standards for fuel blending from a maximum amount of ethanol at 5.8 percent to the 10 percent level. The change comes as part of ongoing energy reforms in Mexico and follows input from stakeholders in the government, …

EPA E15 Volatility Restriction Among Regulations Requiring Reform

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Eliminating the unnecessary regulatory barrier to year-round sales of E15 is among a dozen recommended reforms the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should immediately undertake to alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens on the U.S. ethanol industry and American consumers, according to comments submitted by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The comments responded to EPA’s request for input on burdensome, conflicting, or unnecessary …

Response to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s paper on Clean Fuel Standard

Dan Energy, Environment, Industry News Release

Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) joined the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) in submitting comments in response to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Discussion Paper on a Federal Clean Fuel Standard (CFS). Representatives of the three organizations just completed a visit to Canada to discuss that country’s newest environmental initiative with regulators and industry and share details …

RFA to EPA: Keep the RFS on Track in 2018

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

In a letter sent to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) encouraged the agency to ensure the 2018 RFS renewable volume obligation (RVO) rulemaking stays on schedule and maintains the conventional renewable fuel requirement at the statutory level of 15 billion gallons. Along with the letter, RFA submitted a new analysis to EPA showing that gasoline contained …

RFA Celebrates Earth Day 2017

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

by Emily Druckman, RFA Communications Manager This Saturday marks the 48th celebration of Earth Day. Inspired by the vision of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, Earth Day continues to demonstrate our support for environmental protection and now is celebrated in over 193 countries. Representing producers of the cleanest source of fuel on the planet, every day is Earth Day …

U.S. Gasoline Contained More than 10% Ethanol in 2016, Shattering the ‘Blend Wall’ Myth Once and For All

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Gasoline consumed in the United States in 2016 contained more than 10% ethanol on average for the first time ever, according to an analysis of U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data released today by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The EIA data dispels the myth that 10% is the marketplace limit for ethanol content in U.S. gasoline, and demonstrates that …