
Agri View: Planting by Zodiac Signs

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about the zodiac signs influence on farming in today’s Agri View. Planting by Zodiac Signs You know agriculture is an industry in constant change. But, there is one change that hardly anyone has noticed. Farmers have quit planting by the signs. Planting by the signs meant by the zodiac signs in the Old Farmer’s Almanac. It listed …

2017 Corn Plantings Falling Behind

Dan Corn, Industry News Release

Wet conditions across the Corn Belt are delaying corn plantings. The Department of Agriculture indicated earlier this week corn plantings have fallen slightly behind the five-year average, and wet weather this week in the Midwest will likely bring further delays. With six percent of total corn acres planted by April 16th, progress fell three percentage points short of the five-year …