Pork Checkoff Delivers ROI

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

U.S. pork producers receive a positive return on their Pork Checkoff investment. USDA requires a return-on-investment (ROI) analysis every five years with Cornell University handling the review. National Pork Board vice president of strategic communications Kevin Waetke is gratified with the response. Response The ROI study evaluates all aspects of the Pork Checkoff. Evaluation Waetke says this value message has …

Resources Available on Antibiotics Use

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

The Pork Checkoff has taken a leadership role in the responsible use of antibiotics. National Pork Board director of producer and public health Dr. Heather Fowler sees value in having farmers tell that story. Farmers The FDA has released a new report on the use of antimicrobials in all food producing animals. National Pork Board vice president of science and …

FDA Report on Antibiotics Released

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released its 2016 summary report on antimicrobial use in food producing animals. National Pork Board vice president of science and technology Dave Pyburn says this research confirms reduced use of antibiotics at the farm level. Antibiotics This is a milestone in antibiotic stewardship. Pyburn credits the success back to pig farmers and their …

Pork Checkoff Invests in Consumer Research

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

Each year, the Pork Checkoff invests in consumer research. National Pork Board CEO Bill Even says the latest study offered unique insight into what happens at the meat case. Consumers Secondly, consumers have been confused with the names used for pork cuts. Cuts There is a rule of thumb for any business—ignore the customer at your own peril. Customers For …

Pork: A Category Leader

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

USDA tracks consumer demand for commodity products, like pork, beef and chicken. National Pork Board vice president of domestic marketing Jarrod Sutton says per capita consumption is up for fresh pork. Compared to one year ago, fresh pork prices are up 3.8 percent at the retail level. Sutton says the Pork Checkoff is using insight-driven strategies to grow domestic pork …

Pork Checkoff Adjusts Digital Strategy; Announces Partnership With Yummly, Part II

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

The Pork Checkoff has partnered with the website and mobile app called Yummly. National Pork Board vice president of domestic marketing Jarrod Sutton says digital opportunities like this put pork recipes in front of today’s consumer. There are also opportunities to educate consumers about cooking temps and other quality characteristics. Thirdly, consumers want a consistent, high-quality product. Those messages will …

Exports are Critically Important to the Pork Industry

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

Exports are critically important to the swine industry. With large hog supplies, National Pork Board CEO Bill Even believes the significance of foreign demand will only grow.     U.S. pork is known for its quality. Even as part of a National Pork Board trade mission to Japan and China. These markets are very different. The Japanese market is a …

Pork Checkoff Builds Momentum for Secure Pork Supply Plan

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

Plan will minimize business disruption from foreign animal diseases The National Pork Board, with major support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is creating a Secure Pork Supply Plan to help America’s pig farmers respond quickly and successfully to a major threat, such as a foreign animal disease (FAD). The plan will enhance communication and coordination of all pork chain …

National Pork Board Increases International Markets Funding

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

At year-end 2016, U.S. pork exports showed impressive progress following a challenging 2015. In 2016, 5.1 billion pounds of pork and pork variety meats valued at $5.94 billion dollars were exported, up 8 percent and 7 percent respectively from 2015, according to the USDA. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners …

Pig Farmers Complying with New VFD Requirements

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

A recent survey shows that U.S. pig farmers are complying with the new federal rules regarding antibiotic use in their animals. The November survey done by the National Pork Board showed that 95 percent of farmers were ready for full compliance well before the January first deadline. Jan Archer, Pork Board President, says, “The pork industry has worked toward the …