Agri View: Florida Peaches

Dan Agri View, Fruits

Everett Griner talks about Florida Peaches, possible a new crop for Florida, in today’s Agri View. Florida Peaches I recently did an article about Georgia farmers growing citrus fruit. Well, now I have a feature story about growing peaches in Florida. The stories are very similar. The practice is very limited at this time. But, it is fairly certain that …

Agri View: New Food Product

Dan Agri View, Peanuts

Everett Griner talks about Peanut Milk, another new food product, in today’s Agri View. New Food Product A glass of milk a day is healthy for everybody. But, these days you might ask “what kind of milk?” See it doesn’t all come a dairy anymore. The market for non-dairy milk products is growing, in demand, all over the country. Well, …

Agri View: Healthy Eating

Dan Agri View, Fruits, Vegetables

Everett Griner talks about healthy eating, something few Americans properly do, in today’s Agri View. Healthy Eating OK, how much fruit and vegetables do you eat eat each day? Not enough? Well, the Center for Disease Control recently did a very new study. Based on what they found out the vast majority of Americans fall way short of the recommended …

Agri View: Agricultures Value

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about agricultures value to our economy in today’s Agri View. Agricultures Value I noticed just recently I did a report on what agriculture does for the economy of our country. To me it is important that every individual, including school children, be taught, and understand, that those planted fields you see as you drive across your county, …

Agri View: Banner Pecan Nut Year

Dan Agri View, Fruits

Everett Griner talks about Whole pecan nut industry growing in today’s Agri View. Banner Pecan Nut Year Now, Georgia’s 2017 pecan crop was almost a record breaker until that destructive Hurricane Irma tore through. Things were not that bad in the western states. Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas. They had a very productive season. But, this report is about …

Agri View: California Farming a Different Business

Dan General

Everett Griner talks about California farming being a different business in today’s Agri View. California Farming a Different Business You know the picture of farming in California is rather a confusing one. One agri-official put it this way. “California is the most expensive place to farm in the whole country. Maybe the whole world.” You know it is a state …

Agri View: Time Changes Everything

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about how times are changing in agriculture in today’s Agri View. Time Changes Everything You know there was a very popular song titled “Time Changes Everything.” That song dealt with love and romance. The facts are the same. In nowhere do they apply more than in agriculture. Today’s young farmer wouldn’t last two crop years if he …