Agri View: Roadside Markets and Eating Healthier

Dan Agri View, Fruits, Vegetables

Everett Griner talks about the demand of fruits and vegetables from roadside markets in today’s Agri View. Everett discusses why this demand has grown. And why consumers are buying from the roadside market. Roadside Markets and Eating Healthier The expansion of roadside markets may have peaked for now. It has made one impressionable fact for those that keep up with …

Agri View: Agriculture Losses from 2017 Storms

Dan Agri View, Weather

Everett Griner talks about the three major storm impacting the United States in 2017 in today’s Agri View. Damage was extensive with all three storms. Everett looks back at some of the agriculture losses. Agriculture Losses from 2017 Storms It’s in the books now. They are closed for the year on agriculture. For 2017. And, it is good that they …

Agri View: Avian Flu Detection

Dan Agri View, Poultry

Everett Griner talks about avian flu detected on the southeast coast in today’s Agri View. He discusses how it arrived and what is being done about it. Avian Flu Detection In the world of poultry production, avian flu is the two most dreaded words a poultry farmer can hear. Avian flu is transported to commercial flocks by migratory birds. And, …

Agri View: Consumers Choice in Beef

Dan Agri View, Beef, Cattle

Everett Griner talks about grass fed in today’s Agri View. Everett explains the changes in consumer’s choice for beef. Consumers Choice in Beef The consumers choice for beef has changed dramatically in recent years. Grass fed. In the beginning grass fed meant a tough taste to this piece of beef, and buyers avoided it. It took time and effort but …

Agri View: Current Land Prices

Dan Agri View, Economy

Everett Griner talks about current land prices in today’s Agri View. Everett looks at the different land values. He also explains some of the different things one might need to know if selling their land. Current Land Prices Farmers, both those with land to sell and those looking for land to buy, stay alert to land values across most of …

Agri View: Trade Problems with China

Dan Agri View, Exports/Imports, Trade

Everett Griner talks about the trade problems with China, and the farmers concerns about metal imports, in today’s Agri View. Everett explains some of the different reasons for concern for farmers. The recent increase of tariffs on steel and aluminum has a lot of farmers shook up. Trade Problems with China There is more than one reason for their concern. …

Agri View: Kentucky Cattle

Dan Agri View, Cattle

Everett Griner talks about Kentucky cattle in today’s Agri View. Everett looks at the cattle production in Kentucky compared to the United States and other southern states. Kentucky Cattle You know, there is a lot of cattle raised east of the Mississippi River. Nothing like Texas and Oklahoma. But, an impressive number in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. They all came …