FL Revenue Estimators To Set Budget Goals This Week

Gary Cooper Beef, Citrus, Florida, General, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

In these three reports, Florida Farm Bureau Legislative Director Ben Parks in Tallahassee gives us some insight on this first week of the Legislative Session, discussing this Friday’s state revenue estimating conference and what it means for the tough budget session expected ahead. Parks also gives us some details on a couple Farm Bureau priorities this Session.

Cool Names Make for Cool Foods

Randall Weiseman General, Vegetables

A new Cornell University study showed that when 186 four-year olds were given “X-ray Vision Carrots” they ate nearly twice as much as they did on the lunch days when they were simply labeled as “carrots.” And the influence of these names persisted with the children continuing to eat about 50% more carrots even on the days when they were …

Putnam Introducing New Food Safety Legislation

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Citrus, Florida, General, Georgia, Peanuts, Specialty Crops

The most recent outbreak of salmonella in peanut butter and last summer’s outbreak that mistakenly blamed Florida tomatoes has food safety on everyone’s mind. Florida Congressman Adam Putnam (left) is introducing new food safety legislation, the Safe Food Enforcement, Assessment, Standards and Targeting Act (Safe FEAST Act). The measure, which has bipartisan support, will modernize food safety regulations and give …