The Goals of Pest Management

Dan Citrus, Education, Pest/Pest Control

Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. Integrated pest management (IPM) uses a combination of methods to keep pest populations at an acceptable level, which are economical and have little …

Copper Fungicides: The Essential Tool for Citrus Growers

Dan Citrus, Pest/Pest Control

One of the main issues for citrus crop growers is the quick spread of fungal and bacterial diseases due to warm, wet growing conditions. Without proper methods to prevent and control diseases, crop yield can be greatly reduced, and groves can become ruined. How do you produce a healthy citrus crop while keeping diseases under control? For generations, growers have …

Alabama 2020 Cotton Insect Losses Report

Dan Alabama, Cotton, Pest/Pest Control

This week, the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service (ACES) released the 2020 Alabama Cotton Insect Losses Report. This report provides information about the causes and percentages of cotton crop losses due to insects. The report has been published since 1979 by Extension entomologists across the Cotton Belt, as estimates are based on Extension entomologists’ observations and informal surveys of other Extension personnel, …

Treating the Plant Pathogen Powdery Mildew Naturally

Dan Field Crops, Fruits, Nursery Crops, Organic, Pest/Pest Control, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Common plant pathogens and how to treat them naturally. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Powdery Mildew is a fungal infection caused by a range of fungi known to attack all manner of different plant families. It has been known to annihilate entire crops and can be difficult to get rid of. You’ll recognize it by its description, …

Florida Receives Funds for Agriculture & Natural Resources Protection

Dan Conservation, Environment, Florida, Nursery Crops, Pest/Pest Control, USDA

(FDACS) — The U.S. Department of Agriculture has allocated more than $5.5 million to Florida as part of its effort to strengthen the nation’s infrastructure for pest detection and surveillance, identification, and threat mitigation, and to safeguard the U.S. nursery production system. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has received a significant portion of these funds to support numerous projects. …

Georgia Citrus Pest and Disease Update

Dan Citrus, Georgia, Huanglongbing (HLB)/Citrus Greening, Pest/Pest Control

As the Georgia citrus industry continues to grow and prosper, growers should be aware of the potential signs of citrus pests and diseases that could be looming in their groves. Bill Barber, Certified Crop Advisor and owner of Barber Ag Services, delivered a presentation during the 2021 virtual Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference. He addressed pests and diseases presently in …

Deltapine Cotton Variety Helping Growers with Nematode Control

Clint Thompson Cotton, Pest/Pest Control

As cotton growers prepare for the 2021 crop, one issue to keep in mind is nematodes. Deltapine cotton’s Class of 2021 has a solution for growers with DP 2141NR B3XF. Keylon Gholston, cotton product manager for Deltapine, says this variety is resistant to both root-knot and reniform nematodes. DP 2141NR B3XF is a mid- to full-maturity variety with Bollgard 3 …

Blueberry App Developed to Help Growers Battle Diseases and Pests

Dan Florida, Fruits, Industry News Release, Pest/Pest Control, Specialty Crops, Technology

(UF/IFAS) — A new University of Florida app will help the state’s blueberry growers identify and manage disease and insect injuries commonly encountered in Florida before their crop is ruined. Collectively, blueberries are a $60 million-per-year crop in Florida. Patricio Munoz, the UF/IFAS blueberry breeder and an assistant professor of horticultural sciences, came up with the vision for, and supervised …