USDA Looking To Get Rid of Outdated Meat Inspection Regulations

Dan Beef, Pork, Poultry, Sheep-Goats

USDA is searching out and looking to eliminate redundant and outdated meat inspection regulations. Gary Crawford has the story. USDA Looking To Get Rid of Outdated Meat Inspection Regulations-1 Administrator of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Carmen Rottenberg, talks about one of the reasons why USDA is looking to find and eliminate outdated or redundant regulations. USDA Looking To …

Strong First Half for U.S. Red Meat Exports

Dan Beef, Pork, Sheep-Goats

U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) Vice President of Communications, Joe Schuele, gives an overview of the January-June export results for U.S. beef, pork and lamb, noting strong June resulted in capping a huge first half of 2018 for U.S. beef exports. Strong First Half for U.S. Red Meat Exports Read the full report. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Nuseed …

Celebrating National Goat Cheese Month

Dan Dairy, Sheep-Goats, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom gives a bit of history about the specialty cheese you will want to sink your teeth into this month. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Celebrating National Goat Cheese Month August is National Goat Cheese Month. Chances are, if you’ve had a Greek salad with feta, then you’ve tried goat cheese. Most goat cheeses are at their …

Japan Reopens to American Lamb

Dan Exports/Imports, Sheep-Goats

Last week, USDA announced the government of Japan had finalized technical requirements that will allow U.S. sheep and goat exports into the country for the first time in almost 15 years. American Sheep Industry (ASI) Executive Director, Peter Orwick, says they have been working since 2003 to restore this export market. Japan Reopens to American Lamb This announcement comes after extensive work …

USDA Announces Japan to Accept Exports of U.S. Sheep and Goat Meat

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Sheep-Goats

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue is announcing that the government of Japan has finalized technical requirements that will allow U.S. sheep and goat exports into the country for the first time in more than 14 years. “This success is a direct result of USDA’s dedication to helping America’s farmers and ranchers keep and find new markets for their products,” …

Sustainability Efforts in the Wool Industry

Dan Sheep-Goats

We talked yesterday again about the sustainability efforts in the beef industry. But other sectors of agriculture are also working on sustainability, including the sheep and wool industry. The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) recently provided information through Dr. Paul Swan from Australia, International Wool Textile Organization (IWTO) technical advisor on sustainability and the wool life-cycle analysis. He says it’s …

If It’s Meat, It’s USDA’s Responsibility to Make Sure It’s Safe

Dan Beef, Pork, Poultry, Sheep-Goats

If a food product is labeled “meat,” Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says it is USDA’s responsibility to ensure its safety for consumers. Stephanie Ho has the story. If It’s Meat, Its USDA’s Responsibility Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

USDA Seeks Feedback from Growers about 2018 Crops, Stocks, Livestock Inventories and Values

Dan Cattle, Field Crops, Florida, Nursery Crops, Pork, Sheep-Goats, Specialty Crops

During the next several weeks, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will conduct two major mid-year surveys, the June Agricultural Survey and the June Area Survey. The agency will contact nearly 700 producers across Florida to determine crop acreage and stock levels as of June 1, 2018. “Two of the most important and well-known surveys NASS …

Meat Exports on the Rise for U.S.

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Pork, Poultry, Sheep-Goats

Last week, President Trump requested a three-year extension of trade promotion authority, but the request comes amid growing concerns over the direction of the administration’s trade policy. And despite what we are hearing about trade issues, USDA is projecting that U.S. meat exports will rise this year just as production rises. Gary Crawford has the story. U.S. Meat Exports on …

Agri View: Elimination of Slaughterhouses

Dan Agri View, Cattle, Pork, Poultry, Sheep-Goats

Everett Griner talks about eliminating slaughterhouses not such a good idea in today’s Agri View. Elimination of Slaughterhouses It is a very large group of people who don’t like the way animals are processed for food. In other words, they want to do away with slaughterhouses. That is a term that has a very wide identification. You don’t process chickens …