Copyright Office Wants Congress To Handle “Right to Repair”

Dan Industry News Release

A U.S. Copyright Office report says it no longer wants to review exemptions to Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyrights Act every three years. Industry-by-industry reviews have led to a patchwork of exemptions where “some technology repairs and modifications are allowed and some aren’t.” The office wants Congress to pass laws that give consumers a permanent “right-to-repair.” The issue …

Specialty Crop Farmers Weigh in on NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

The House Ag Committee held a 2018 Farm Bill hearing last weekend in Florida. Farm groups and producers attended the session hoping to influence legislators as they put the new bill together. A Pork Network Dot Com article says the top of mind concerns included the farm safety net, agricultural research, and marketing. The upcoming renegotiation of the North American …

Farmland Market Trend Hard to Define

Dan Industry News Release

The Farmers National Company recently released a semi-annual market update on farmland prices and it’s hard to nail down just what the trend is. A Pro Farmer report says the best description may be “steady, with exceptions.” The report says the reason trends are hard to figure out is some farmland sells at better prices than expected while other farmland …

UF/IFAS Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center Wins Prestigious Prudential Award

Dan Education, Florida, Industry News Release

by James Beverly, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences When the staff at the University of Florida IFAS Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center decided to transform the facility’s farm, their only thought was helping local growers to succeed. Little did they know that their efforts would exceed all of their expectations. The UF/IFAS Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center, …

New UF Center Updating Research on Southeastern Agricultural Health and Safety

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Research

by Ricky Telg, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Data about the safety and health of agricultural, forestry and fisheries workers in Florida is severely outdated, according to the director of a newly formed agricultural health and safety center, and is a major reason the new Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (SCCAHS) was established. SCCAHS …

Rural Broadband Improvements will be Costly

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

The president promised to improve broadband service to rural areas as part of his nationwide infrastructure plan. Bloomberg says it would take roughly $80 billion to expand broadband to all rural areas in America that need it. However, Trump’s most recent spending proposals only set aside $25 million over the next ten years on rural infrastructure needs. Only 55 percent …

41 PEDV Sites Confirmed in Manitoba

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

The Manitoba Pork Council confirms 41 sites in the province have tested positive in a Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus outbreak. The southeast part of the province is where the outbreak is centered. A National Hog Farmer Dot Com article says officials have confirmed PEDV on 18 operations representing over 54,000 sows. It’s also been confirmed on seven nurseries representing over …

Trump Talks Trade with South Korea

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump met with the new President of South Korea on Friday and opened up the session with tough trade talk. An L.A. Times article says Trump announced he will be renegotiating a trade agreement with South Korea that’s already been in place for five years. The agreement is a co-legacy for both Presidents Bush and Obama and it …