ITC Vote Levels Playing Field in Biodiesel Trade Dispute

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

The International Trade Commission agrees with the National Biodiesel Board that the biofuels industry has suffered because of unfairly dumped imports of biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia. In a vote Tuesday, the Commission voted 4-0 in support of the position by the National Biodiesel Board. The vote on injury is the last remaining procedural hurdle before final antidumping orders can …

Trump Administration to Revise EPA CAFE Standards

Dan Energy, Environment, Industry News Release

The Trump administration Monday announced it will revise fuel-efficiency and emissions regulations for cars and light trucks. Bloomberg News was the first to report the revision effort that the administration says is needed because the current regulations are too aggressive. The Environmental Protection Agency is also considering revoking a waiver for California to allow the state to set its own …

RFA Comments on China’s Latest Attack on U.S. Ethanol and Farmers

Dan Energy, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

On Monday, China added a 15% tariff on U.S. ethanol imports. The move came in response to the Trump Administration’s announcement of duties on imported aluminum and steel products. This is in addition to an already-imposed duty of 30%, making the total tariff 45% on U.S. ethanol. Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen had the following statement: “Once again …

UF Joins New Center to Create Fuel from Plants

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Florida, Industry News Release, Research

The University of Florida is one of 17 institutions partnering with the University of Illinois in the $115-million Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI). Researchers will work to develop efficient ways to grow, transform and market biofuels. Fredy Altpeter, professor of agronomy in the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, will lead the UF/IFAS portion of the …

NBB Disappointed with No New Biodiesel Tax Credit

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The omnibus appropriations bill that’s already won approval in the House of Representatives doesn’t reinstitute the biodiesel tax credit. Kurt Kovarik, National Biodiesel Board VP of Federal Affairs, says his organization is disappointed that Congress once again hasn’t provided pro-growth tax certainty for a domestic energy industry that has broad bipartisan support. “The lack of urgency by Congress to extend …

Perdue: Administration Unlikely to Cap RIN Prices

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

An Agri-Pulse report says it appears that the Trump administration will not be putting a cap on the price of biofuel credits, known as Renewable Identification Numbers. Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says the administration will more likely try to bring down the cost of RINs through a vapor pressure waiver that will increase demand for E-15. That’s the outcome favored …

Colombia Increases Ethanol Mandate to 10 Percent

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Colombian government increased its national blend mandate for ethanol to E10 as of the beginning of this month. Government officials in Colombia say sugar prices dropped considerably in early 2018, encouraging the production of ethanol, which led to the mandated increase. Colombia has a growing domestic ethanol industry, producing sugar-based ethanol. Additionally, U.S. ethanol enters Colombia duty-free per the …

Study: RFS Impact on Refinery Profitability Minimal

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley’s energy policy staff analyzed recent claims by opponents of the Renewable Fuels Standard, specifically as it relates to the bankruptcy of Philadelphia Energy Solutions. The company attributed its recent filing in part to the RFS. The analysis found that the biofuels blending requirement and the cost of the Renewable Identification Number credits both have little to …

Latest RFS Bill Ignores Ethanol Benefits and Science

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Vermont Democratic Representative Pete Welch, along with New Hampshire Democratic Senator Tom Udall, introduced companion legislation into Congress attempting to reform the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). On a press call announcing the legislation Thursday, the lawmakers were joined by Collin O’Mara, President of the National Wildlife Federation, as well as Debbie Sease, Director of the Sierra Club National Campaign. The …