NCGA Welcomes Administration Support for High Octane Fuels

Dan Corn, Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation are recognizing the benefits of high octane fuels, such as a mid-level ethanol blend, in their SAFE Vehicles rule. That is potentially very good news for corn farmers. The agencies specifically requested comments on how EPA, “could support the production and use of higher octane gasoline” in order to support fuel …

API: Forcing Year-round E15 Sales a Concern

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

While the Trump administration was met with applause from many in agriculture in suggesting it will grant an E15 summertime waiver, to allow sales year-round, oil industry officials are expressing concern. The American Petroleum Institute says forcing higher ethanol fuel blends into the marketplace “could have negative consequences for the American consumer.” API claims higher ethanol blends, such as E15, …