Biodiesel Ranks First Among Fleets for Alt Fuel Use

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

A survey of fleet vehicle providers has found that biodiesel is now the most popular alternative fuel option on the market, followed by E85. The National Biodiesel Board says the study conducted by the Association for the Work Truck Industry shows that the nation’s top fleets call biodiesel the number one choice for greening fleet operations. The 2018 Fleet Purchasing …

EPA Waivers Lower Ethanol Production Six Percent

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted Renewable Fuels Standard waivers to dozens of refineries over the last couple of years. The Renewable Fuels Association analyzed the EPA’s own compliance data and found that the exemptions lowered volumetric obligations by at least 1.6 million gallons over that time period. The volume lost over the last two years is ten times …

Former Senators Ask Congress to Investigate EPA/RFS Waivers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Former Senators Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and James Talent of Missouri both played major roles in the legislation that established the current Renewable Fuels Standard. This week, the two say Congress should investigate the waivers to the RFS granted to more than two-dozen refineries by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. In a statement released by the National Biodiesel …

Renewable Fuels Issues Still Getting a Lot of High Level Attention

Dan Biotechnology, Energy

Issues revolving around the Renewable Fuels Standard are still getting high level attention in Washington D.C. Gary Crawford has the story. Renewable Fuels Issues Still Getting a Lot of High Level Attention Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

RFA: Early Evidence of Ethanol Demand Destruction

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Renewable Fuels Association says its found evidence that RIN waivers are destroying ethanol demand. The Environmental Protection Agency has been handing out hardship waivers “like candy,” according to refining executives. The waivers grant refiners a pass on RINs, the mechanism by which Renewable Fuel Standard compliance is tracked. Renewable Fuels Association executive vice president Geoff Cooper says the credits …

Ethanol Organizations Applaud Japan Policy Shift To Allow Use Of U.S. Ethanol

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Ethanol and trade groups are applauding the news that Japan will allow imports of a gasoline additive made from U.S. corn-based ethanol. The change comes as part of Japan’s update of its existing sustainability policy, approved in 2010, in which only sugarcane-based ethanol was eligible for import and which only allowed sugarcane-based ethanol for the production of ETBE, an oxygenate …

API: Forcing Year-round E15 Sales a Concern

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

While the Trump administration was met with applause from many in agriculture in suggesting it will grant an E15 summertime waiver, to allow sales year-round, oil industry officials are expressing concern. The American Petroleum Institute says forcing higher ethanol fuel blends into the marketplace “could have negative consequences for the American consumer.” API claims higher ethanol blends, such as E15, …

Biodiesel Stakeholders Unite Over RFS Concerns

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The National Biodiesel Board joined the American Soybean Association and the National Renderers Association in urging President Trump to keep his promises to rural voters. Kurt Kovarik, NBB vice president of federal affairs, says recent actions by the Environmental Protection Agency have undermined the president’s commitment to support consumer access to domestic renewable fuels, as well keeping the Renewable Fuels …

Exxon, Chevron Ask EPA for Biofuel Blending Exemptions

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Energy giants Chevron and Exxon have asked the Environmental Protection Agency for waivers from the nation’s biofuels program that have typically been reserved for small refiners in financial trouble. A Reuters report says that will only add fuel to the fire in the debate between the oil and ethanol industries over how the Trump Administration should handle the RFS. An …

Trump Announces E15 Waiver Support to Farm State Lawmakers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Trump Administration is apparently planning to allow E15 sales year-round. During the White House agriculture roundtable Thursday, President Trump announced his support for E15 sales year-round without a cap on RIN prices, according to attendee, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. Ethanol groups have argued that allowing year-round sales of 15 percent ethanol blended fuels would be a “win-win” for agriculture …