House Passes Ag Appropriations Bill

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Field Crops, Florida, General, Georgia

The U.S. House has passed the agriculture appropriations bill by a vote of 266 to 160. The bill – as passed – will increase spending by nearly 11-percent over fiscal year 2009 to 22.9-billion dollars – with the bulk of the increase going to USDA’s Women, Infants and Children feeding program, the Food and Drug Administration and international food aid.

Folic Acid Recommendations

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Florida, General, Georgia, Vegetables

Federal guidelines for folic acid intake have been updated to strongly encourage all women of child bearing age to take a daily multi-vitamin with folic acid. Julie Shertzer with Ohio State Extension explains why and what this important nutrient is.

Vilsack on Climate Change Legislation

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Energy, Florida, General, Georgia

As the climate bill begins to move through the U.S. Senate, the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee recently met to conduct a hearing on the bill where Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack pointed out the importance in engaging farmers and ranchers in crafting the solution to this critical issue.

AL Producer Believes in Beef Checkoff

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Beef, Cattle

Mike Dee from Pickens County, Alabama is a cattle producer who knows the beef checkoff is doing its job in letting consumers know about beef and the various cuts available for their family and lifestyles.