Educate Consumers and ‘Show Us Your Ag’

Randall Weiseman Ag "Outdoors", Alabama, Aquaculture, Beef, Cattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy, Energy, Equine, Field Crops, Florida, Forestry, Fruits, General, Georgia, Industry News Release, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Peanuts, Pork, Poultry, Seeds, Sheep-Goats, Soybeans, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

usfraDuring National Agriculture Week, which runs through March 19, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is inviting farmers, ranchers and all agriculturalists to “Show Us Your Ag.” It’s an effort to highlight how you care for your animals and how you raise your crops, educating today’s consumers.

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From the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance:

During National Agriculture Week, farmers and ranchers across the nation will recognize the many contributions that our industry provides, from almost everything we eat, use and wear on a daily basis. But too few consumers truly understand the dedication and passion that this livelihood entails. To capitalize on this significant celebration, now is the time to “Show Us Your Ag” and give consumers insight on all the great things you’re doing.

From March 13-19, U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance® (USFRA®) invites farmers, ranchers and all agriculturalists to “Show Us Your Ag”, and highlight how you care for your animals and how you raise your crops. Click here to submit a short video, image or blog about life on your farm. Each day, during National Agriculture Week, USFRA will select a winner to feature on its social media channels.

“Today as a farmer, we have to do more than plant the seed and care for our animals – we have to talk about what we’re doing every single day and share that with consumers,” says Thomas Titus, a pig farmer from Illinois and one of USFRA’s Faces of Farming and Ranching. “On our farm, it’s not just what we do, it’s who we are. Join us to celebrate National Agriculture Week and ‘Show Us Your Ag!'”

People have questions about animal welfare, antibiotics & hormones, crop inputs, GMOs and sustainability, so be transparent and reassure them about today’s agriculture by showing them your farm or ranch firsthand. It’s time to break down the stereotypes and show consumers our commitment in providing a safe and reliable food supply.

“We all have stories to tell about how we care for our land, animals, farms and families,” says Nancy Kavazanjian, USFRA Chairwoman and Wisconsin Farmer. “Consumers want to hear from today’s farmers and ranchers, so be a voice for agriculture and talk about how you’re being sustainable on your operation by protecting your soil, water and farm environment and preserving it for the future.”

Additionally, to celebrate National Agriculture Week and spread the word about ag education in urban classrooms, USFRA is hosting a Twitter Chat on Thursday, March 17 at 4:00 p.m. CST. The topic is “How to incorporate agriculture into your classroom”, and teachers will be encouraged to utilize Discovering FARMLAND as a free resource to provide students an in-depth view of critical issues impacting the agriculture industry. Click here to register to participate in the #FarmlandChat Twitter Chat.