Parke Wright of J. P. Wright & Company invites export minded farmers and farm representatives to join in his efforts to increase food and other ag exports to Saudi Arabia. Hear Wright explain in this report,
by clicking to play the audio icon below, why he believes the country is ideal for a wide variety of high quality Florida and U.S. farm and food products. Also you can find more news and information about Parke Wright’s exporting efforts in earlier newsposts to this website as well, the links to which are provided below:
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Presently, Parke Wright says his firm is seeking more U. S. firms interested in exporting farm and food products into Saudi Arabia, and working to grow the promotional effort for the upcoming food exposition there mid-September. Parke can be contacted by email at or by calling him directly at his personal office in Florida at (239) 596-7474. J. P. Wright & Company , Inc., P.O. Box 649, Naples, Florida 34106