FL Energy Bill Now Law: Ag Commish Putnam Comments

Dan Beef, Cattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy, Energy, Equine, Field Crops, Florida, Forestry, General, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Peanuts, Pork, Poultry, Soybeans, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

Tallahassee, FL – The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services issued the following statement by Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam upon learning HB 7117 will become law.

“Tomorrow, Florida takes a modest step forward toward a smart, long-term energy policy when HB 7117 becomes law.

“Rooted in common sense, this bill was developed to expand energy production in Florida and create much-needed jobs for Floridians. It garnered bipartisan support from an overwhelming 156 members of the Florida Legislature.

“Florida’s energy bill also gained the backing of Florida’s business community, including the membership of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Florida, for its free market approach to fostering growth in renewable energy production. The bill offers technology-agnostic tax credits to businesses that demonstrate investment in energy production and create jobs in Florida. Any form of renewable energy is eligible; the market will determine how investments are made.

“The bill also repeals outdated and counterproductive regulations like the renewable portfolio standard and makes clear that the sale of unblended gasoline is legal.

“I thank the Governor for his thoughtful consideration and I share the Governor’s goal to ensure that the use of taxpayer dollars will result in a return on investment. We will implement measures of accountability to analyze the economic impact that results from the bill’s tax credits.

“My appreciation goes to Senate Majority Leader Andy Gardiner, Chairman Scott Plakon and Chairman Seth McKeel for their leadership in passing Florida’s first energy bill since 2008.”

Contact: Sterling Ivey
(850) 617-7737