NCGA Opposes Legislation to Weaken Renewable Fuels Standard

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Corn, Dairy, Energy, Field Crops, Florida, General, Georgia, Livestock, Pork, Poultry

WASHINGTON (October 5, 2011) — The National Corn Growers Association today urged members of Congress to oppose legislation introduced by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Jim Costa (D-CA) that would significantly weaken the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS).

“The U.S. ethanol industry is an integral part of job creation and economic opportunity throughout rural America,” NCGA President Garry Niemeyer said. “This legislation would put progress made by the ethanol industry in jeopardy and we are asking members of Congress to oppose its passage.”

The RFS came into effect in 2005 and was reauthorized and expanded with strong bipartisan support in 2007. Since that time, the RFS has provided America an avenue to produce a home-grown renewable fuel that provides an alternative to foreign petroleum. The RFS allowed for expansion of the America ethanol industry and created market certainty.

In today’s environment, the ethanol industry creates distillers grains, an important corn co-product used as a high protein animal feed. In 2010, distillers grains produced by the ethanol industry displaced the need for 1.2 billion bushels of corn for the livestock industry.

“The ethanol industry is saving money for American consumers and producing jobs during a difficult financial time,” Niemeyer said. “The American farmer continues to meet the growing demand for corn as food, feed, fuel and fiber even when facing difficult years. We hope members of Congress will vote against a piece of legislation that will be a backwards step for our country’s fight for energy independence.”