Morris Hired by UF/CREC

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida

Allen MorrisLake Alfred, FL — Allen Morris recently joined the faculty at the University of Florida IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center as Associate Extension Scientist. Morris’ areas of specialization are agribusiness, marketing and economics. He is responsible for economic research on citrus greening, canker and other external factors affecting Florida’s citrus industry. He will also develop an extension and research program in citrus agribusiness economics. Listen To wma Report (2:00 mp3) Additionally, he will be involved in extension programs on management and marketing of citrus products. Allen will be joining a UF/IFAS citrus enconomic team which includes Tom Spreen with the UF/IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department, Fritz Roka at the Southwest Florida REC and Ron Muraro at CREC. Morris has an extensive background in agribusiness and the citrus industry, and has held managerial positions with various corporations such as Capital Agricultural Property Services, Inc.; Cutrale Citrus Juices, USA; Tropicana; the Coca-Cola Company and A. Duda and Sons, Inc. Morris was also a citrus agribusiness consultant specializing in commodity marketing, procurement, management of price risk, strategic planning and international trade.

Morris holds bachelors and masters degrees in food and resource economics from the University of Florida, and has completed executive education programs in agribusiness at the Harvard Business School and finance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He and his wife, Kate, live in Winter Haven and have two grown sons, Stephen and Michael.