USDA Lowers Corn, Soybeans, Projected Ending Stocks

Dan Corn, Industry News Release

The Department of Agriculture lowered 2017/2018 ending stocks for corn and soybeans in its latest monthly World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates. USDA reduced ending stocks for corn 105 million bushels to 1.57 billion bushels, which if reached, would be the lowest level since 2013/2014. The season-average farm price is raised ten cents at the midpoint with a range of …

Conaway Comments on Trump Challenging India Market Practices

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway says the Trump administration is holding India accountable in it’s latest trade move. The administration announced earlier a Word Trade Organization counter notification on India’s market price support for wheat and rice. In applauding the effort, Conaway says India has been “funneling illegal farm subsidies into its agriculture industry for too long.” Conaway, along with …

USDA Projects Smaller Corn, Soybean Crops

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The May World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates from the Department of Agriculture projects smaller corn and soybean crops this year. The corn crop is projected at 14.0 billion bushels, down from last year with a lower forecast area and yield. The yield projection of 174.0 bushels per acre is based on a weather-adjusted trend assuming normal planting progress and …

WASDE Report Predicts Record Soybean Crop for Brazil

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The latest World Agriculture Supply and Demand (WASDE) Report from the Department of Agriculture shows Brazil is reaching a record soybean planting. USDA predicted a record Brazilian soybean crop in the report Tuesday of 115 million metric tons, or 4.2 billion bushels. Domestically, U.S. soybean supply and use changes for 2017/18 include increased crush, lower seed and residual use, and …

USDA Report Indicates Increased Corn Demand

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) has increased corn demand in it’s latest forecast for the 2017-18 crop year. The monthly World Agriculture Supply and Demand report increased exports of corn by 175 million bushels to 2.2 billion bushels based on price competitiveness, and increased expected corn ethanol use by 50 million bushels to 5.5 billion bushels. The average price for …

USDA February WASDE Report

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Wheat

The latest monthly World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from the Department of Agriculture shows lower estimated soybean exports for the 2017-18 crop year. USDA lowered soybean exports by 60 million bushels to 2.1 billion bushels. The U.S. season-average soybean price range for 2017/18 is projected at $8.90 to $9.70 per bushel, unchanged from the previous report. USDA …

The Importance of Proper Wheat Staging

Dan Industry News Release, Wheat

During a recent Wheat U event in Spokane, Washington hosted by High Plains Journal and BASF, Jim Vandecovering with BASF talked with wheat growers about the importance of proper wheat staging and whether it really matters for overall plant health and profitability. Yield He says another important part of the wheat plant factory is the assembly line. Wheat Farming with …

Egypt Issuing Wheat Import Guidelines to Tackle Trade Problems

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Wheat

Egypt plans to issue a streamlined guide on wheat import regulations for global traders. The guidelines will detail all specifications, procedures, and regulations for traders selling to the world’s largest buyer, Egypt. The guidelines will be issued within the next two weeks. Reuters says Egypt is looking to calm nervous suppliers who have been adding high-risk premiums because of what …