Canning or Freezing-Preserving the Harvest

Dan Field Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Your harvest is in. Time to think about preserving. Cathy Isom tells you how to save your summer harvest so you can enjoy it this winter. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Canning or Freezing-Preserving the Harvest In the later months of summer sometimes the harvests are just too bountiful to eat. So instead of wasting, save your homegrown …

Agri View: What is Your Favorite Vegetable?

Dan Agri View, Vegetables

What is your favorite vegetable? Everett Griner talks about the preferred vegetable in the United States in today’s Agri View. Everett also ponders a question about potatoes? What is Your Favorite Vegetable? Vegetables are good for you. Some people eat nothing else. Most everybody has a vegetable they prefer. What would you guess is the most preferred vegetable in the …

Florida-Grown Foods Part of Rich Tailgating Tradition

Dan Beef, Citrus, Corn, Dairy, Field Crops, Florida, Fruits, Industry News Release, Pork, Poultry, Vegetables

Set up the grill; it’s tailgating season. Chicken, burgers, corn, slaw, potato salad, chips – and maybe some fresh fruits and vegetables — are just some staples for the weekly ritual that coincides with football season. Some will win before the games start by eating Florida-grown foods. College football enthusiasts nationwide can take comfort in tips from University of Florida …

Celebrating National Fruit and Vegetable Month

Dan Fruits, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Cathy Isom has a friendly reminder about a month-long celebration of all of the produce that provide us fresh fruits and vegetables all year long. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Celebrating National Fruit and Vegetable Month June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable month. While most of us know that eating more fresh fruits and vegetables are …

Celebrating National Veggie Burger Day

Dan This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Cathy Isom continues with delicious foods by celebrating a protein-packed sandwich that combines flavor and plant plower. That’s coming up on this Land of Ours. Celebrating National Veggie Burger Day Tuesday June 5th is National Veggie Burger Day. A veggie burger is a patty resembling  a hamburger but is made with vegetable protein, soybeans, or anything else that does not …

Agri View: Roadside Markets and Eating Healthier

Dan Agri View, Fruits, Vegetables

Everett Griner talks about the demand of fruits and vegetables from roadside markets in today’s Agri View. Everett discusses why this demand has grown. And why consumers are buying from the roadside market. Roadside Markets and Eating Healthier The expansion of roadside markets may have peaked for now. It has made one impressionable fact for those that keep up with …