Sugar Growers Discuss Farm Bill Priorities

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative, Sugar

Administration officials, economists, and sugar industry experts just wrapped up the 37th International Sweetener Symposium. This year’s event focused on how Farm Bill policies support American food security. Ryan Weston, the incoming Chairman of the American Sugar Alliance, emphasized the role sugar plays in our food supply. “The turmoil we’ve seen on the global stage has made it more important …

Discussion on Higher Input Costs

Dan Economy, This Land of Ours

Taking a wider look at higher ag input costs. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. American Agri-Women hosted the Global Food and Energy Supply Conversation recently to respond to member interest in rising input and food costs. AAW President Heather Hampton+Knodle, moderated the event. “As farmers and ranchers, we find ourselves grappling with this market price volatility and …

Agriculture Coalition Letter to Senate on Farm Labor

Dan Labor and Immigration, Legislative, Regulation

The Agriculture Workforce Coalition is calling on the Senate to pass an agriculture workforce reform bill this Congress. The coalition sent a letter to Senate leaders this week, which was signed by dozens of agricultural organizations including the American Farm Bureau Federation, the International Fresh Produce Association, the National Farmers Union, and several associations from states where ag labor is …

New NPB VP Suggests Volunteering, Talks Priorities

Dan Livestock, Pork, This Land of Ours

Strengthening the pork industry through volunteers. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Volunteer involvement will strengthen any organization. Bob Ruth, the newly elected National Pork Board (NPB) vice president, was ecstatic to share why producers should get involved at the local, state, or national levels. He says the passion one has for the industry magnifies the story. “I …

Keeping Farm Dogs Safe from Heat Stress

Dan This Land of Ours

How can you keep your farm dogs safe from heat stress? That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Dogs aren’t proficient at sweating like humans are, and that makes them much more prone to overheating. Veterinarian Tony Hawkins says overweight, older, or out-of-shape dogs, along with dogs with underlying health conditions may be at greater risk than healthier dogs. …

Protecting Horses Against West Nile Virus

Dan Equine, Livestock, This Land of Ours

Protecting Horses Against West Nile Virus. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Since 1999, more than 25,000 cases of West Nile Virus encephalitis have been reported in horses, according to the American Association of Equine Practitioners. Department Head for Entomology and Plant Pathology at Oklahoma State University, Dr. Justin Talley, says West Nile Virus is spread by the …

Conservation Grants Available

Dan Conservation, This Land of Ours

Funding for more conservation programs in agriculture. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The USDA this week announced it’s investing $25 million this year for the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials program. This year’s funding priorities are climate-smart agricultural solutions, irrigation water management, nutrient management, and soil health. Through CIG, partners work to address our …

USDA Helps Schools and Childcare Providers Deal with Rising Food Costs

Dan Agri-Business, Economy, Education, This Land of Ours

Helping schools manage rising food costs. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The USDA announced an increase in funding to help schools continue to serve healthy meals this coming school year and provided financial relief for schools and childcare providers. The reimbursement schools will get for each meal served will increase by 68 cents per free or reduced-price …

Philippines Trade Mission a Success

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator Daniel Whitley recently led a trade mission to the Philippines and says it was a successful trip. “It really was fantastic to connect with our stakeholders, our buyers, and importers. The Philippines is our eighth-largest market for U.S. agricultural and food products, coming in just over $3 billion annually during the last five years,” he …