“Uncharted Waters”: What McCarthy Ouster Means for Agriculture

Will Jordan General

by Will Jordan The U.S. Congress voted late afternoon, Tuesday, October 3rd to vacate the Office of the Speaker. The vote received 216 yay and 210 nay votes, ousting Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his leadership role as Speaker of the House. This vote followed the stop-gap funding bill he pushed through by McCarthy, to prevent a government shutdown, the …

Election Day Commentary: Career Politicians or Dedicated Public Servants?

Dan Florida, General

By Gary Cooper, Founder/President AgNet Media Sometimes the timing of events can really make us think. Over the weekend, our nation lost one of its greatest public servants. Senator John McCain was nothing less than a statesman his entire adult life. Not once in all the recent news media coverage did I see him referred to as a “career politician.” …