NPPC Applauds Withdrawal Of Organic Rule

Dan Industry News Release, Livestock, Organic, Pork, Poultry

Listening to the farmers it would have affected, Agriculture Sec. Sonny Perdue announced that his agency will withdraw a proposed organic rule for livestock and poultry, a move hailed by the National Pork Producers Council. The Obama-era regulation – the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule – would have incorporated into the National Organic Program welfare standards that were not …

EPA Given More Time to Implement Manure Air Emissions Reporting

Dan Cattle, Environment, Industry News Release, Livestock

A federal court is giving the EPA more time to implement a controversial manure air emissions reporting requirement that has the livestock industry crying ‘foul.’ The National Pork Producers Association backed the EPA in the agency’s request to the US Court of Appeals for DC last month for more time to comply with the court’s air emissions reporting order. NPPC’s …

Tax Bills ‘Marginally Beneficial to Industry’

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The pork industry says the tax bills moving in Congress are “marginally beneficial to the industry,” which continues to pursue improvements as the measures continue to advance. The pork industry is generally pleased with the House-passed and Senate-Finance-passed tax bills, but National Pork Producers’ (NPPC) Dustin Baker says NPPC is seeking added changes. Baker says the three breaks are used …

McKinney Visit to India Good for U.S. Pork

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork, Trade

The National Pork Producers Council says the recent trip to India by Department of Agriculture Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Affairs Ted McKinney bodes well for future pork exports. The trip, aimed at increasing U.S. agricultural export levels for India, allowed McKinney to press the nation to open access to U.S. pork. NPPC has been working for many years to …

NPPC Statement On WHO Call For Ban On Prevention Uses Of Antibiotics

Dan Industry News Release, Pork

A ban on disease prevention uses of antibiotics in food-animal production being advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO) would be ill-advised and wrong. Denying pigs, cows, and chickens necessary antibiotics would be unethical and immoral, leading to animal suffering and possibly death, and could compromise the nation’s food system. America’s pork farmers share the WHO’s concern about the rise …

U.S. Must Make Commitment to Agricultural Research

Dan Industry News Release, Pork, Research

The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) in testimony delivered urged Congress to renew its commitment to funding agricultural research to help America’s farmers feed a growing world population, improve public health and strengthen U.S. national security by ensuring America’s food security. NPPC chief veterinarian Dr. Liz Wagstrom told the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Research and …

U.S. Must Make Commitment To Agricultural Research

Dan Industry News Release, Pork, Research

The National Pork Producers Council in delivered testimony urged Congress to renew its commitment to funding agricultural research to help America’s farmers feed a growing world population, improve public health and strengthen U.S. national security by ensuring America’s food security. NPPC chief veterinarian Dr. Liz Wagstrom told the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Research and Technology …

Pork Producers Applaud Withdraw Of GIPSA Rules

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock, Pork

The Trump administration announced it will withdraw regulations related to the buying and selling of livestock, a move strongly commended by the National Pork Producers Council, which opposed the Obama-era rules. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue decided not to move forward with an interim final rule of the so-called Farmer Fair Practices Rules, which was written in 2016 by the U.S. …

Is NAFTA Renegotiation Slowing Other Trade Deals?

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

An Agri-Pulse report says the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations may actually be costing agriculture other opportunities. The non-yet-fully-staffed Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is fully occupied with NAFTA. However, groups like the National Pork Producers Council and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association want the Trump administration to push ahead with other trade agreements in order to cut …

Producers Receive Favorable Decisions on Regulatory Matters

Dan Industry News Release

Producers received two favorable decisions on regulatory matters last week. A federal court ruled earlier, some 63-thousand producers could not be exempted from a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency air emissions reporting requirement. But the agency still doesn’t know how it will handle the requirement, so National Pork Producers Council spokesman Dave Warner says the D.C. U.S. Court of Appeals granted …