Roundup of Some of the Nation’s Pollinators

Dan Pollinators, This Land of Ours

We wrap up National Pollinator week with a roundup of some of the nation’s pollinators. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. Talk about pollinators often revolves around honeybees, which makes sense because they do the majority of the work, especially when it comes to commercial agriculture. But there are a number of other pollinators as well, and National Pollinator Week …

Problems Continue for Honeybees

Dan General

Honeybees are vital for much of our food, but they continue to struggle. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. Pollinators are currently in the spotlight, as it is National Pollinator Week. We checked in with beekeeper and former president of the American Beekeeping Federation, Gene Brandi, who said there are still problems for honeybees. “Honeybees in the USA are still …

National Pollinator Week Kicks Off

Dan Pollinators, This Land of Ours

It’s a time to celebrate the bugs that keep us alive. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. National Pollinator Week is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It’s a time to celebrate pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued a United States Department of Agriculture …

Agriculture Sec. Vilsack Issues Proclamation Recognizing National Pollinator Week

Dan Pollinators, USDA-NRCS

(WASHINGTON, June 21, 2021) – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) proclamation to recognize the designation of the week of June 21 – 27, 2021 as National Pollinator Week. Pollinator species, such as birds, bats, bees, and other insects, play an important role in producing more than 100 crops grown in the United States. Honey …

Agriculture Celebrating National Pollinator Week

Dan Field Crops, Pollinators

Agriculture groups, including the National Corn Growers Association, are celebrating this week as National Pollinator Week. Twelve years ago, the U.S. Senate approved the designation of a week in June as National Pollinator Week. NCGA is working cooperatively with numerous groups like The Honey Bee Health Coalition, Farmers for Monarchs, and the Environmental Defense Fund to expand pollinator awareness through …

Feed a Bee Announces Coast-to-Coast Recipients for $500,000 Pollinator Forage Initiative

Dan Fruits, Industry News Release, News from Our Sponsors, Vegetables

Bayer Feed a Bee program celebrates National Pollinator Week by kicking off initiative to support forage projects in all 50 states In the spirit of true National Pollinator Week celebration, Bayer today announced the first round of organizations that will receive funding to establish forage for pollinators across the nation. Nearly 100 projects were submitted in response to the request …