Agri View: Honeybee Update

Dan Agri View, Pollinators

Everett Griner talks about the honeybee battle still being fought in today’s Agri View. Honeybee Update Well, it has been a dozen years or more since the United States faced that series of problems that threatened to destroy our honeybee industry. Scientists have still not solved the problem, but, they have found a lot of things that have helped. One …

Agri View: Cattle Trade

Dan Agri View, Cattle, Trade

Everett Griner talks about why dropping out of TPP is not good for cattle trade in today’s Agri View. Cattle Trade I don’t know if it is to late for us to get involved in the TPP International Trade Pact or not. But presently, our President has withdrawn us completely. Let’s see, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, and Hong Kong …

Agri View: Unfavorable Weather Outlook

Dan Agri View, Drought, Weather

Everett Griner talks about the unfavorable weather outlook. Everett talks about another drought forecast in today’s Agri View. Unfavorable Weather Outlook I told you just a few days ago that long range forecasters were forecasting droughts, floods, and hot weather ahead for this summer. Today I received a feature story about a drought already showing signs in the southwest. I …

Agri View: New Style for Food Shopping

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about how millennials have brought about the new style of online food shopping in today’s Agri View. New Style for Food Shopping You know the present generation, known as millennials, is a generation of a lot more cultural changes than American wide. It’s because they are more into computers than the previous generation. One element is online …

Agri View: Bad Trade Deal for Agriculture

Dan Agri View, Trade, Wheat

Everett Griner talks about the United States leaving TTP hurting agriculture in today’s Agri View. Bad Trade Deal for Agriculture Well, all 12 nations that make up the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) have signed the agreement. All except one. That one is us. The United States. Our President has already announced that we are out. The country’s wheat farmers fear this …