Raising Livestock May be a ‘Smelly’ Business

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock

Raising livestock may be a ‘smelly’ business, but that hasn’t stopped the federal courts from ordering the Environmental Protection Agency to move ahead with manure emission reporting requirements. EPA issued guidance to producers and is expected to get more time to educate producers on the manure emission reporting requirement, after losing a court petition to allow a farm exemption. The …

EPA Releases Guidance on Air Emissions

Dan Cattle, Environment, Industry News Release, Livestock

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released guidance to help farmers report the release of hazardous air emissions from animal waste at their farms. Pork Business Dot Com says the EPA made the information available to aid farmers in preparing for the reporting deadline, which is November 15. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt says his agency is working on addressing the undue …

Dicamba Label Features New Guidelines for 2018 Growing Season

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Dicamba is now a restricted use pesticide, thanks to guidelines issued recently by the Environmental Protection Agency. The guidelines were reached through a deal between the Trump Administration and the three companies that make dicamba, including Monsanto, BASF, and DuPont. All of the changes will be on product labels heading into the 2018 season. Dr. Ahmit Jhala, Assistant Professor with …

Farm State Senators Keep Pressure on EPA

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Farm-state Senators have been keeping the pressure on the Environmental Protection Agency over its actions on biofuels. Politico’s Morning Energy says the small group of Senators has been blocking votes on EPA nominees. South Dakota Senator John Thune is a member of the group, who says, “We have enough of a bloc of Midwestern Senators that they’re going to have …

Trump Directs EPA to Back Away from RFS Proposals

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Bloomberg reports the White House has told the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to stand down on proposals that biofuels advocates say threaten the Renewable Fuel Standard. The news comes after Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds spoke with President Trump Wednesday morning over the phone before a planned meeting between the two next week. Reynolds said she made the case for …

EPA Ending “Sue and Settle”

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Legislative

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt is touting a directive he signed this week to end the EPA’s so-called “sue and settle” strategy, a practice agriculture groups opposed. Pruitt issued an Agency-wide directive Monday to end the practice, a move he says means “the days of regulation through litigation are over.” Pruitt said the agency would “no longer go …

Governors Write Trump Regarding RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Four ethanol-state governors are expressing concerns regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard to President Donald Trump. In a letter, Monday, the governors of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and South Dakota, told the president they were concerned about “where the EPA’s proposed implementation of RFS policy is heading,” and its impact on farmers and the rural economy. The four Republicans urged the president …

Weed Scientist Has Doubts Over Dicamba Restrictions Effectiveness

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency last week declared dicamba under it’s “restricted use” category, but a weed scientist from Illinois has doubts the new restrictions will be beneficial. Aaron Hager, a weed scientist and professor at the University of Illinois, told Reuters: “Nothing in these new restrictions addresses volatility, and that’s still an issue.” The EPA said Friday it would classify …

Strong RFS Critical to Farm Success

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Changes being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard would undermine the RFS, according to Growth Energy. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says the EPA considering last-minute changes to the proposed renewable volume obligations is contrary to the administration promise to support the RFS. Rolling back the volume targets would reduce the opportunity for farmers during …

EPA Announced Dicamba Label Changes

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency Friday announced new restrictions for dicamba-based herbicides, classifying dicamba as a restricted-use product. The EPA said that only certified pesticide applicators, or people under their supervision, will be allowed to spray dicamba. The EPA also is reducing the maximum wind speed and the hours during each day when dicamba may be sprayed and will require farmers …