Bipartisan Support for Biodiesel Tax Incentive Extension

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The National Biodiesel Board is grateful for the 46 members of Congress who voiced strong support for a multi-year extension of the biodiesel tax incentive. The members of Congress represent states all the way from California to Connecticut, and they asked for a resolution in the coming weeks from House leadership. The biodiesel tax incentive was retroactively renewed for 2017 …

Biodiesel Ranks First Among Fleets for Alt Fuel Use

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

A survey of fleet vehicle providers has found that biodiesel is now the most popular alternative fuel option on the market, followed by E85. The National Biodiesel Board says the study conducted by the Association for the Work Truck Industry shows that the nation’s top fleets call biodiesel the number one choice for greening fleet operations. The 2018 Fleet Purchasing …

ITC Vote Levels Playing Field in Biodiesel Trade Dispute

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

The International Trade Commission agrees with the National Biodiesel Board that the biofuels industry has suffered because of unfairly dumped imports of biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia. In a vote Tuesday, the Commission voted 4-0 in support of the position by the National Biodiesel Board. The vote on injury is the last remaining procedural hurdle before final antidumping orders can …

NBB Disappointed with No New Biodiesel Tax Credit

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The omnibus appropriations bill that’s already won approval in the House of Representatives doesn’t reinstitute the biodiesel tax credit. Kurt Kovarik, National Biodiesel Board VP of Federal Affairs, says his organization is disappointed that Congress once again hasn’t provided pro-growth tax certainty for a domestic energy industry that has broad bipartisan support. “The lack of urgency by Congress to extend …

Latest RFS Bill Ignores Ethanol Benefits and Science

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Vermont Democratic Representative Pete Welch, along with New Hampshire Democratic Senator Tom Udall, introduced companion legislation into Congress attempting to reform the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). On a press call announcing the legislation Thursday, the lawmakers were joined by Collin O’Mara, President of the National Wildlife Federation, as well as Debbie Sease, Director of the Sierra Club National Campaign. The …

Cap on Conventional Ethanol RINs Will Reduce Biodiesel Market

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

A new analysis by the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) and the World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services (WAEES) found that capping the price of conventional biofuels’ Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) will significantly harm the production of biodiesel and related industries. Although some believe that limiting the price of RINs for the conventional biofuels market won’t harm biomass-based diesel volumes, the …

NBB Celebrates 25 years of Biodiesel

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

Biodiesel supporters kicked off a yearlong celebration this week at the National Biodiesel Conference and Expo in Fort Worth, Texas, celebrating the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) 25th anniversary. A NBB representative told attendees during the event, after noting that the U.S. went from zero to three billion gallons of biodiesel production in 25 years, that “we are at the tipping …

International Trade Commission Votes 4-0 in Support of the Biodiesel Industry

Dan Energy, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

A vote by the International Trade Commission confirms the U.S. biodiesel industry has suffered because of unfairly subsidized imports of biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia. In a case filed by the National Biodiesel Board, the Commission voted 4-0 Tuesday. NBB called the vote “important progress” to addressing the trade issue. Last month, producers testified on the volume and price effects …

New Tax Regulations Could Be a Boost for Farm Commodities

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency Thursday finalized a rule that establishes the required renewable fuel volumes under the Renewable Fuels Standard program for 2018 and biomass-based diesel for 2019. The agency set a total renewable fuel blending obligation of 19.29 billion gallons next year, maintaining the statutory requirement of 15 billion gallons of conventional biofuel such as corn-based ethanol and 4.29 …

RFS Volumes Again Fail to Capture Biodiesel’s Potential

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release, Soybeans

The American Soybean Association (ASA) calls the final biodiesel and advanced biofuels volumes released by the Environmental Protection Agency another example of a missed opportunity to capture the full potential and value of biodiesel. In the rule, EPA calls for biomass-based diesel volumes within the Renewable Fuel Standard of 2.1 billion gallons for 2019, the same level established for 2018, …