U.S., Canada Talks on NAFTA Offer Little Progress

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Stalled talks between the U.S. and Canada regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are expected to continue this week, as the U.S. desires to reach a deal by September 30th. Informal talks are likely over the next few days, according to Reuters, as global attention turns towards a U.N. meeting this week. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says …

Perdue Comments on Signing of New KORUS Trade Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today issued the following statement regarding the signing of the new United States-Republic of Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS): “We are entering into a new KORUS agreement that is a better deal for the entire United States economy, including the agricultural sector. This represents an important improvement in trade relations between our two nations, …

Escalating Trade War with China Will Increase Damage to American Soybean Farmers

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Trade

The Administration’s decision to impose 10 percent tariffs on an additional $200 billion in Chinese imports—and China’s subsequent retaliation on $60 billion of U.S. products—deepens and prolongs the trade war between the two countries, posing even more adverse consequences for American soybean farmers. Davie Stephens, a soybean grower from Clinton, Kentucky, and American Soybean Association (ASA) vice president stated, “If …

U.S. Close to Proceeding With Mexico-Only Trade Deal

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

White House Economic Trade Adviser Kevin Hassett says the U.S. is getting very close to having to move forward on its trade deal with Mexico without Canada. The deadline to publish the text of an agreement to update the North American Free Trade Agreement is October first. As the deadline approaches, Hassett says the U.S. and Canada haven’t agreed to …

U.S. Supplying More Than Half of the E.U. Soybeans

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Soybeans, Trade

The European Commission released a report that says American farmers are now supplying more than half of the European Union’s soybeans. Over a 12-week period from July through mid-September, U.S. soy exports to the EU were 133 percent higher than the same time period in 2017. Politico says the U.S. supplied 25 percent of the EU’s soybeans needs from July …

Foreign Market Development Faces Funding Gap

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Organizations that use government funds to promote U.S. commodity purchases in foreign countries could face some funding challenges in the near future. The Hagstrom Report says that will likely happen if Congress doesn’t pass a farm bill by September 30. Scott Shearer is a lobbyist who represents the FMD groups, which are called cooperators. “In this time of trade uncertainty …

Rabobank: Global Poultry Prices Under Pressure

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork, Poultry, Trade

A Rabobank report says a historic drop in poultry exports from Brazil is shaking up trade in the commodity around the world. The latest quarterly outlook on the industry says African Swine Fever could also indirectly affect the industry. Global poultry prices dropped by an average of five to 10 percent in the second quarter of this year. African Swine …

Canada Farmers Say Dairy Not a Bargaining Chip in Negotiations

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Talks between Canada and the U.S. regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement are intensifying in Washington, D.C. Bloomberg says Canadian dairy farmers recently told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau not to use access to the protected Canadian dairy market as a bargaining chip. The Dairy Farmers of Canada says it’s already lost $193 million because of past trade agreements and …

U.S. – India Closing In On Trade Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

India and the United States are currently in negotiations on a trade package. Reuters says Washington and New Delhi are looking to remove some long-standing disagreements between the two countries that would strengthen ties. Initial reports say it looks like Indian farmers and U.S. medical device manufacturers could be some of the early winners in the deal. The two countries …