“Phase Two” U.S. and China Agreement not Imminent

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB) — U.S. and Beijing officials, lawyers, and other trade experts all tell Reuters that a “phase two” trade deal between the U.S. and China is nowhere near imminent. The two largest economies in the world are still having trouble getting the phase one deal signed. Back in October, U.S. President Trump said he expects to quickly start on phase …

Perdue Urging Japan to Reach a Quick Trade Deal

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says President Trump is looking forward to a trade deal with Japan “sooner rather than later.” The website FXStreet.com says Perdue called on Japan to quickly strike a trade deal with Washington that would cover farm products and a host of other goods. Perdue says the two countries can’t kick the trade can down the road …

U.S. Close to Proceeding With Mexico-Only Trade Deal

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

White House Economic Trade Adviser Kevin Hassett says the U.S. is getting very close to having to move forward on its trade deal with Mexico without Canada. The deadline to publish the text of an agreement to update the North American Free Trade Agreement is October first. As the deadline approaches, Hassett says the U.S. and Canada haven’t agreed to …

U.S. – India Closing In On Trade Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

India and the United States are currently in negotiations on a trade package. Reuters says Washington and New Delhi are looking to remove some long-standing disagreements between the two countries that would strengthen ties. Initial reports say it looks like Indian farmers and U.S. medical device manufacturers could be some of the early winners in the deal. The two countries …

Rubio, Nelson Raise Concerns About Mexico Trade Deal

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Trade

While President Donald Trump on Monday hailed a tentative trade deal with Mexico, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., raised concerns about whether the deal would adequately protect Florida farmers. Rubio and Nelson sent a joint letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer requesting that he work “diligently to ensure Florida’s agriculture community is fairly …

South Korea Looking at New Trade Deal with the Eurasian Economic Union

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

South Korea’s trade minister met with Russian officials this week in order to lay the groundwork for a new free trade deal with the Eurasian Union. The move comes amid increasing pressure from the U.S. to renegotiate the South Korean – American trade deal, known as KORUS. The South Korean Trade Minister met with the CEO of a state-owned banking …

TPP Deal Expected This Week

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The remaining 11 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries plan to remove the Gross Domestic Product requirements to allow the deal to move forward without the United States this week. The Japan News reports that with the United States abandoning the accord, negotiators appear hopeful that changing the conditions will allow the remaining 11 nations to quickly implement a new pact. A …

Initial Progress Made on U.S.-Japan Trade Issues

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. and Japan in a joint statement said the two nations have made “initial progress” on trade issues. The statement comes as Vice President Mike Pence talked with Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister earlier this week. The Joint statement says some “initial progress” on bilateral trade issues such as lifting import restrictions on Japanese persimmons and Idaho potatoes, according to …

NAFTA Commodity Groups Unite to Urge Negotiation Success

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. commodity export groups, along with counterparts from Canada and Mexico, are reiterating their support for free trade. The U.S. Grains Council, along with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, National Sorghum Producers, National Corn Growers, and others, met with counterparts from Canada and Mexico last week. As round four of the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations conclude, the groups …

Axios: Capitol Hill Asking “When” will NAFTA Withdraw Notice Come

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada and Mexico have both said they are not walking away from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) following hard-hitting proposals by the United States. However, online source Axios points out that folks on Capitol Hill are starting to ask “when” not “if” President Trump will issue a notice to withdraw from NAFTA. The U.S. hardball approach on dairy …