Dry Spring Causes Cotton Management Difficulties

Dan Alabama, Cotton, Industry News Release

Rain in the forecast is a welcome change from the lingering dry conditions Alabama producers have battled this spring. Producers generally plant cotton between April 20 and the first week of June. While early spring weather was conducive for planting, the end of May was hot and dry, creating significant challenges for stand establishment. Alabama Extension cotton specialist Dr. Steve Brown said …

Industry Responds to House Passage of Disaster-Aid Bill

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2019 This bill provides fiscal year 2019 supplemental appropriations to several federal departments and agencies for expenses related to the consequences of recent wildfires, hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters. The funding provided by this bill is designated as emergency spending, which is exempt from discretionary spending limits and other budget enforcement rules. The bill …

Lower Peanut Stocks

Dan Peanuts

The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture Peanut Stocks and Processing Report was released this week. According to Tyron Spearman, as of April 30, stocks in commercial storage are down in almost every category. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Cotton and Peanut Planting Numbers

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

With dry conditions continuing in many areas of the Southeast, both cotton and peanut planting progress continues. USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey has the latest on the nation’s cotton crop. And Rippey says peanuts are one of the crops ahead of the planting averages. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in …

Dry Weather, Dry Forecast Worry Wiregrass Corn Producers

Dan Alabama, Corn, Drought, Industry News Release, Peanuts, Soybeans, Weather

Expectations for higher-than-normal May temperatures have Wiregrass corn producers on edge as the spring growing season shapes up to be a dry one. Brandon Dillard, an Alabama Extension regional agent of agronomic crops, said farmers in the area were ahead of the planting schedule earlier in the season. “This was one of the best looking dryland corn crops I’ve seen …

Peanut Crop Analysis

Dan Peanuts

Even as planting continues, the first analysis of the 2019 peanut crop has been issued. Tyron Spearman runs through the numbers. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Industry Reaction to USDA Trade Relief Announcement

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. “The Trump Administration’s agricultural assistance package is welcome relief to an economic sector that has been battered by foreign competitors and retaliatory tariffs. We thank the President for living up to his commitment to stand by our farmers and ranchers. While farmers and ranchers would rather earn their income from the marketplace, they …

Support for Farmers Impacted by Trade Disruption

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will take several actions to assist farmers in response to trade damage from unjustified retaliation and trade disruption. President Trump directed Secretary Perdue to craft a relief strategy to support American agricultural producers while the administration continues to work on free, fair and reciprocal trade deals …