House Ag Committee Leaders Call for NAFTA Conclusion

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

House Ag Committee leaders and a group of farm lobbyists are calling on the Trump Administration to not withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The Hagstrom Report says they’re also asking the White House to finish negotiations quickly to avoid potential declines in agricultural exports. Texas Republican and House Ag Committee Chair Michael Conaway and Minnesota Democrat …

National Milk Producers Federation Talks Issues at Annual Meeting

Dan Dairy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Trade

The dairy industry gathered recently in California at the 101st Annual Meeting of the National Milk Producers Federation in Anaheim. For the last 20 years, the meeting has been held in conjunction with the National Dairy Checkoff. Chris Galen with the National Milk Producers Federation says there are many topics on the table for the dairy industry. In regard to …

Trump’s Aggressive Trade Strategy Both Defended and Criticized in Farm Circles

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Trump’s aggressive trade strategy of threatening to pull out of existing agreements without big concessions to the U.S. is being both defended and criticized in farm circles. President Trump is again taking a hard line with U.S. trading partners in Asia, after first dumping TPP and now threatening to ditch NAFTA. It’s a strategy that has many, especially in …

NAFTA Negotiators Extend Length of Next Round

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A Bloomberg report says negotiators discussing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will begin next week’s round in Mexico City two days early. The goal is to give themselves more time to discuss a large number of issues surrounding the two-decade-old pact. Negotiators last met in Washington D.C., for the previous round of talks. Two officials close to the …

Ag Struggling to Make Voice Heard in NAFTA Talks

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The American agricultural lobby thought that President Trump’s trade politics would spare farmers and others in agriculture. Politico’s Morning Ag Report says it was the rural and red-state turnout that put Trump over the top in the presidential election. Trump has threatened to issue a formal intent to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and agriculture can’t …

TPP Deal Expected This Week

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The remaining 11 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries plan to remove the Gross Domestic Product requirements to allow the deal to move forward without the United States this week. The Japan News reports that with the United States abandoning the accord, negotiators appear hopeful that changing the conditions will allow the remaining 11 nations to quickly implement a new pact. A …

NAFTA Withdrawal Would Not Lower Deficit With Mexico

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Trump often cited withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as a way to reduce America’s trade deficit with Mexico. However, a Forbes Dot Com article says that isn’t the way it works. If the U.S. should no longer be involved in NAFTA, all three countries revert to Most Favored Nation trade status under the World Trade …

USDA Takes Successful Trade Mission to India

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

India serves as the first trade mission stop for Ted McKinney, the newly minted Department of Agriculture Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs. McKinney led a group of 50 men and women, representing 29 agricultural companies, associations, and state governments, overseas in an effort to boost trade opportunities between the U.S. and India, which is the 17th largest export …

Senate Ag Committee Warns Trump Administration on Possible NAFTA “Pullout”

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Chairman of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee issued perhaps his most direct public warning yet to the Trump Administration on a possible North American Free Trade Agreement “pullout.” Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Pat Roberts spoke to a U.S. Chamber of Commerce audience in Washington, D.C. on the strategy President Trump and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer are pursuing on …