Growers Frustrated with EPA Regarding Pesticide Impacts

Dan Legislative, Pest/Pest Control, Regulation

American farmers are again at odds with the Environmental Protection Agency over the Endangered Species Act. The final EPA biological evaluations of neonicotinoids and their impacts on endangered species are overly conservative and don’t use all available data, according to the farm groups. Grower groups like the American Soybean Association and the American Farm Bureau Federation are concerned the evaluations …

APHIS Funding for New Pest Management Projects

Dan Pest/Pest Control, This Land of Ours, USDA-APHIS

Funding to help new developments when it comes to plant pests. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) invites stakeholders to submit project suggestions for fiscal year 2023 Plant Protection Act funding. APHIS will provide $75 million in plant protection funding for these projects, including at least $7.5 …

Low Pesticide Residues on Fresh Produce

Dan Fruits, Herbs, Pest/Pest Control, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

How safe is your fresh produce? We answer that question coming up on this land of ours. Fresh fruits and vegetables and known for being healthy for us, but sometimes misinformation is put out about pesticide residue. One organization even claims to base its misinformation on a government study. So, advocates of healthy foods for American families went to work …

Finding The Truth About Pesticides in Produce

Dan Fruits, Pest/Pest Control, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Finding the truth about pesticides in produce. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Each year, an anti-conventional farming organization puts out a list of fresh produce products that they claim are contaminated with harmful pesticide residues. However, there is no scientific evidence to support their claims, and they’re simply false. Another organization works to fight that misinformation. Teresa Thorn …

Four-Legged Pets Trained to Sniff Out Damaging, Invasive Pests

Dan Pest/Pest Control, This Land of Ours

The four-legged pets trained to sniff out some damaging and invasive pests.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. They may be man’s best friend but they’re also angling to be Agriculture’s best friend.  Detector Canines, trained by the USDA’s PPQ program, are learning how to spot and stop spotted Lanternflies and Japanese beetles before it’s too late. These …

Program Helping Protect Pollinators from Invasive Pests

Dan Pest/Pest Control, Pollinators, Pollinators, This Land of Ours

The USDA program helping protect pollinators from invasive pests. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Bee pollination alone is responsible for more than 15-billion in added crop value, particularly for specialty crops such as almonds and other nuts, berries, fruits, and vegetables. Unfortunately, the honey bees are also vulnerable to invasive pests like parasitic mites, viruses, and predatory …

Sterilizing Soil Helps Beat Back Bugs and Diseases on the Farm

Dan Pest/Pest Control, Soil, This Land of Ours

How sterilizing soil will help beat back bugs and diseases on the farm.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Soil sterilization helps to kill off the pests and fungi that can wreak havoc on farmland. It’s especially useful if farmers have struggled with bacteria, Nematodes, viruses, and weeds. A popular method of sterilizing soil is called solarization. Solarization …

Plants and Fruit Trees at Risk of a Spotted Lanternfly Infestation

Dan Pest/Pest Control, This Land of Ours

The plants and fruit trees at risk of a spotted Lanternfly infestation, and what farmers can do about it.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The Spotted Lanternfly is an Asian native first spotted in the United States almost a decade ago. One of the particularly problematic features of this pest is that it can lay eggs anywhere …

Florida Pesticide Applicators Can Now Take Licensing Exams Online

Dan Environment, Florida, Pest/Pest Control

(UF-IFAS/GAINESVILLE, Fl/Feb. 28, 2022) — In Florida, pesticide licensing exams help ensure the state’s approximately 70,000 pesticide applicators follow state regulations and best practices for mitigating the impact of chemicals on the environment. Historically, the exam has only been offered in person at pre-scheduled times. The UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office has announced that applicators will now have the option of …